DD:到此刻为止都是梦幻般的场景,那些感情,似乎有什么泄露出来但你不知道那是什么。这让你思考这个吻是在做梦还是真实。(Up to this point it’s been all like dream sequences, their affections, the fact is that there is something off but you don’t know what it is. I mean it makes you think like is this kiss a dream or it’s real.)
DD: 基本上,导演给我们的指示就是一直亲,亲得越来越猛烈。我觉得这是我亲的最猛烈的一条,也是导演最终用的这一条。(And basically the direction that John(导演) gave us during the scene was to keep kissing more and more ferociously. And I think this was the most ferocious one I got, the one you used, John.)
DD:这是我见过的最……嗯~【此处停顿的时候刚好是丹尼和路人甲床戏kiss的时候啊啊真要命】最准确和美丽的gay sex scene,并非刻意引人注目,只是本来的样子。美丽而现实。还有一些事情在发生。(That’s what I’ve seen the most…em accurate and beautiful gay sex scene that i’ve ever seen in a film. It doesn’t call attention, it just is what it is. Beautiful and realistic. And there is stuff going on.)