
奇幻人生:The Leaper.

Last night, when I stood on the edge of my roof, I felt a little dizzy. I thought I won’t be afraid of standing on high place. But when I really did that, I scared. The world around me seems twisted and pushed me to think about the feeling of leaping off. I got off immediately and glad I didn’t do something stupid. Then Karen Eiffel’s words came to my head.

"There's a photograph in the book called The Leaper. It's old, but it's beautiful. From above the corpse of a woman who'd just leapt to her death. There's blood around her head, like a halo.....and her leg's buckled underneath, her arm's snapped like a twig......but her face is so serene......so at peace. And I think it's because when she died......she could feel the wind against her face. "

I can imagine that photograph, black and white with the face of that woman. There must be a peaceful smile on her face. Everyone thinks about leaping off buildings. Yes, I do. I’d like to try something I scared of. Like the deep of water, the endless of dark and the unknown of space. I want to touch them, conquer them. There is no one can tell me what the end is, so I need to try and try until I find out the answer by myself. In fact, I don’t care about the answer, I just want to feel the wind against my face. I want to be a cloud, surrounded by sky.

奇幻人生Stranger than Fiction(2006)

又名:口白人生(台) / 离奇过小说(港) / 笔下求生 / 天马行空


主演:威尔·法瑞尔 艾玛·汤普森 达斯汀·霍夫曼 玛吉·吉伦哈尔  

导演:马克·福斯特 编剧:Zach Helm


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