Now I am death, destroyer of the world. 奥本海默在很长时间里对后人来说只是一个名字,而诺兰这次聚焦到他的本体,不是原子弹之父,不是享誉世界的科学家,而是一个时代洪流裹挟之下,对自己的生活已然失去掌控的人。
And the rest is the rest of my life. 多年后我仍会回忆起那片水潭,那场最现实不过的对话,和从此以后注定要发生的一切,每一片荡开的涟漪都是我后半生的震波。Cos in the end, gravity devours light.
I thought I could end the war, unite this world, instead I fissioned it. Ere I had physics to keep the darkness outside, what will happen now when my physics has become the flower fed on darkness itself? Now I'm only a wanderer, with blood on my hands.
Nobody should be made a 'hero'/'martyr'. It falls on people, binding them without providing any retreat. U can't just shove them some medals,put them on a pedestal and call it even. It will never be even. 'Hero'/'martyr' is just a pretty name for compromise.