

A:since you cleaned that you have no religion,what do you imagine you doing on the earth?
B: living my life..as well as yours
A:But without faith what could your propose possibly be?
B:I wonder look back when I was alive.I didn't turn my back...I tried..and I was happy.
A:Happiness in this life is irrelevant..all the matters..the only thing of consequence is the life here after..
电视剧版的还没有去研究过,电影版的已经把我给搅乱了,到底是"God commanded, we're obey"还是"contra mundum"太多了,消化不了。Did I want too much? Did my own hunger blind me to the ties that bound them to their faith?Am I only now,shadowed by life,all moorings gone, alone enough to see the light? 谁又能给出答案来呢...不推荐这种电影给好朋友们看...

故园风雨后Brideshead Revisited(2008)

又名:欲望庄园 / 旧地重游 / 重返布莱希尔德庄园


主演:艾玛·汤普森 马修·古迪 本·卫肖 海莉·阿特维尔 迈克尔· 

导演:朱里安·杰拉德 编剧:安德鲁·戴维斯 Andrew Davies/杰瑞米·布鲁克 Jeremy Brock/伊夫林·沃 Evelyn Waugh


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