Sometimes,when we lose ourselves in fear and despair,in routine and constancy,in hopeless and tragedy .we can thank god for bavarian sugar cookies,we can still find reassurances in a familiar hand on our skin,or a kind and loving gesture,or a subtle encouragement,or a loving embrace,or an offer of comfort.not to mention hospital gurneys,and nose plugs,and uneaten danish,anf soft-spoken secrets,and Fender Stratocasters,and maybe,the occational piece of fiction.
  And we must remember that all these things,the nuances,the anomalies,the suntlelies,which we assume only accessorize our days are,in fact,here for a much larger and noble cause:they're here to save our lives.
  i know the idea seems strange.but i also know that it just so happens to be true.and so it was:a wristwatch saved Harold Grick.
  有些时候当我们迷失在 恐惧及绝望中,一次又一次,连续不断,在绝望与悲情之中,我们可以谢谢上帝赐予的巴伐利亚甜饼,在没有甜饼的时候,幸运的,我们还能从身边熟悉的手中得到安心,或是友善及爱的表示,或是隐约的鼓励,或是爱的拥抱,或是安慰的奉献,更别说是医院的轮床,还有游泳鼻塞,还有丹尼奶酥,还有轻声细语的秘密,还有Fender Stratocasters吉他,也许偶尔读一本小说。
  我们必须记得全部的这些微小差别,异常,微妙之处,其实有更大更崇高的存在原因:它们是来拯救我们的。我知道这点子有点奇怪但同时我也知道这是真的。总而言之,手表拯救了Harold Grick。

奇幻人生Stranger than Fiction(2006)

又名:口白人生(台) / 离奇过小说(港) / 笔下求生 / 天马行空


主演:威尔·法瑞尔 艾玛·汤普森 达斯汀·霍夫曼 玛吉·吉伦哈尔  

导演:马克·福斯特 编剧:Zach Helm


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