Lady Edith might be an ignorable figure for some, but her growing-up is quite interesting. She was quite unconfident in the first stage, when she have no purpose of life. Mary is supposed to defend Downton and glory of Gratham's family; Sybil fights for freedom and equality; but it's hard for Edith to find one. She became confident after those sufferings, when she started her career on the magazine and fought against the tyrant editor together with Bertie. Seeing one growing is more interesting than witnessing sucessful career itself.

Everybody thinks Strallan is not 'suitable' for Edith; even Strallan himself partially agree. I just wonder whether Edith will be finally happy, if the wedding proceeded. Would taking care of Strallan when he's old be a good career for her? It is possible although I doubt that. Still I don't like the idea of insultation on Edith in the very public - on the wedding, though it might be the only way to allow Edith to give up. Quite sad at this moment, with sunset outside of my windows and golden glory fading away.

Matthew's feeling tortured and guilty is as much as his love on Mary, and as much as his feeling bad of letting Mary down. And I really like English style of mutual honesty - not to the public or for their frends, but for their own.

You have to agree Jimmy is quite a lovely cute fancy chap, and even Barrow deserves some happiness, even Barrow; I am actually sad that he has not, finally. But I like the idea that is to be said about how hard a homosexual or generally LGBTQ individual can find their happiness, or just live a life they could expect. As Barrow told Carson, if you are the kind, you have to read the sigh as best you can, because no one dares to speak out. For British they must remember Turing of his suffering of his LGBTQ identity.

Edith started her career of newpaper column. That is benefit of an honorable lady from her good education, which is not shared by the public at that time, if you look into Daisy's life.

I am sad about Ethel. Now we are in 21st centuty now, and we could fairly realize that being a prostitute might be an unwilling choice for a woman.

"The sweetest spirit under this roof is gone."Even Thomas Barrow feels for that. (I know this word sounds quite unkind though.)

Eclampsia 子癇

大约 3%~7% 的孕妇会发展成为子痫前期。在这一并发症中,升高的血压伴有尿中出现蛋白(蛋白尿)。如果不进行治疗,子痫前期可以突然引起癫痫发作(子痫)。子痫前期孕妇发生子痫的概率为 1/200。如果不及时治疗,子痫前期通常是致命的。

子痫前期在妊娠 20 周以后发生,通常持续到产后第一周末之前。有四分之一的情况发生在产后,通常在前 4 天内,但有时会在产后长达 6 周的时间内发生。

Matthew suits Mary pretty well since he is strong and clever enough. People and both of them started to realize that as time goes.

I feel like old Lady Gratham is the only one who uses "chauffer" to call Tom without despising him. Like Carson, she belives in tradition and everyboding being in their own position, but he does not despise people in any single class.

Remember who you love, and forget what your love is for; remember who you hate, and forget what makes you hate. That is betst way of life to proceed.

Seriously, Jimmy is as unkind as Thomas, and they match each other quite well; sadly he has no interest on man. Of course I would not 'blame' O'Brien of tricking Thomas, since both have unkind personality.

Get those old fuss out!


I have already forgot those 'dark' history of Rose, and thank god I am reminded of it in episode 8.

唐顿庄园 第三季Downton Abbey(2012)

主演:休·博纳维尔 玛吉·史密斯 丹·史蒂文斯 米歇尔·道克瑞  

导演:布莱恩·派西维尔 编剧:朱利安·费罗斯 Julian Fellowes

唐顿庄园 第三季的影评