满分! 除了对我女神Emma的感情分,还有就是这部原著改编实在太治愈了!
忠于原著,虽然讲述的内容只是平凡而普通的感情,可是剪接太巧妙了。 这个故事的开头和结尾同时进行叙述。而人生的意义不就是在处于过去和未来的现在吗?就像Jo说的“我不相信我的童年就这样过去了”,而故事的结局,也不像Jo最初想象的那样“永远不结婚”,其实最初的想法没有错,最终的结局也不是自打嘴巴,世间所在皆有其缘由,小妇人原封不动地呈现人生百态(贫苦、玩笑、感恩、生死)。即使看平淡如水的生活也有海纳百川的感慨。
1.We could never have loved the earth so well
If we had had no childhood in it
If it were not the earth where the same flowers come up again every spring that we used to gather with our tiny fingers
What novelty is worth that sweet monotony
Where everything is known and loved because it is known?
How great is that?
2.Oh Jo I’m not leaving u,
And besides, one day it will be your turn.
I’d rather be a free spinster and paddle my own canoe.
3.You will be sorry when you’ve tried love in a cottage and found it a failure.
It can’t be worse than some people find in big houses.
4.And you’re not entirely wrong.
I may not always be right, but I am never wrong.
5.I ruined our friendship with my temper, just as I ruined everything, I’m sure I’ll never see him again.
I doubt that a sincere friend would be deterred.
I wish that were true.
If I was a girl in a book, this would all be so easy, just give up the world happily.
Do u love him?
If he asked me again, I think I would say “yes”.
Do u think he’ll ask me again?
But do u love him?
I care more to be loved. I want to be loved.
That is not the same as loving.
I know.
U know...
I just feel.... I just feel like
They have minds and they have souls as well as just hearts and thet’ve got ambition, and they’ve got talents as well as just beauty and I’m so sick of people saying that love is just all a woman is fit for.
I’m so sick of it!
But I’m... I’m so lonely.
6.Maybe it doesn’t seem important because people don’t write about them.
No, writing doesn’t confer importance, it reflects it.
7.I suppose marriage has always been an economic proposition. Even in fiction.
It’s romance.
It’s mercenary.
BTW,即使Jo没有和Laurie在一起,但他们之间总需要一段叫“Teddy” 而不是“Lord”的memory, 而这些短暂而美好的超分友谊,足以超越永恒。That’s the original taste of life which needs to be persevered carefully.