潮湿的南国3月,窗外的雨不停敲打着窗,淅沥沥的伴着钢琴曲《Somewhere in time》(《帕格尼尼主题狂想曲》)的温柔多情和缠绵悱恻。让我不得不写出我在豆瓣上的第一篇影评。我自不是那专业的影评人,也非狂热的电影发烧友,只是在这样的情景里,时光流转实在太适合回忆,对爱情还是对友情,对曾过去的时光,统统是回忆。
Elise是幸福的。Is it you? 这一句问得好,就是他,命中注定出现哪怕只3天的那个他。3天,足够轰轰烈烈爱上,至死不渝相随,永生永世怀念。Richard是幸运的,丢失了那么久的回忆和爱人,还是能找回来,I thought I've lost you. Never, never never never! 最后那声撕心裂肺的“Richard!!!”让我紧紧咬住手背眼泪止不住,久久回不过神来。
人和人的相遇,都是注定好了的。somewhere in time,我一定会遇见一个人,虽然不知道你是谁,但在我看见你那一瞬,我就确定,那一定是你,是我一直在等的你。而我在遇见你的那一刻,很想问你:Is it you? 也很想好好问问你,what took you so long? 这么多年,你去哪了?为什么现在才出现,为什么我没有早一步认识你,为什么?
当Elise突然改变台词,借着第一幕对台下的Richard袒露心声,她一定不知道,这一次表白,会让她再等60年,60年后,才能再在那个毕业庆典上找到他,说一句"Come back to me."
The man of my dreams has almost faded now.
The one I have created in my mind.
The sort of man, each woman dreams of in the deepest
and most secret reaches of her heart.
I can almost see him now before me.
What would I say to him, if he were really here?
"Forgive me.
I've never known this feeling.
I've lived without it all my life.
Is it any wonder, then, that I failed to recognize you?
You, who brought it to me for the first time.
Is there any way that-
that I can tell you
how my life has changed?
Any way at all to let you know
what sweetness you have given me?
There is so much to say, I-
I cannot find the words, except for these-
I love you."
And such would I say to him, if he were really here.