
冰风暴:by Ang Lee

Based upon the novel by Rick Moody.

"Fantastic Four" were not like the other super heros, they are more like a family. The more power they have, the more harm they do to each other without even knowing. That was the meaning of "Fantastic Four": the family is the place you emerged from, the place you return to when you die, and that is the paradox: the close you draw back in, the deeper into the voyage you go.

"Ben....Ben....you are boring me. I have a husband, I don't particularly feel the need for another."

"That's a very good point. We are having affairs, exclusively sex relationships, my needs and your needs. You are absolutely right."

"You'd better get dressed, the boys will be home soon."

外遇,女人能够从各个细微的地方洞察到一切,一个不经意的动作,你身上的香水味,甚至是你刻意编织的貌似没有瑕疵的谎言,她们可以很清楚的感觉到。所以永远不要和你的邻居,你的朋友,所有她有可能接触到的女人搞在一起;做完事一定要清理好身上的味道,最好不要直接回家,更不能把女人带回家;谎言不可能总能帮助你,一不小心就被捅破了,所以在万不得已的情况下不要撒谎,撒谎一定要不得万一。十个外遇中有九个都只是想要得到性满足,十几年都和同一个女人睡在一张床上,你能不烦,所以,有外遇很正常,那些没有外遇的人不是他们道德有多么崇高,只是要么就是他们没有条件,要么就是没有胆量。你自己的女人有了外遇你会怎么想,也就是你被戴上了一顶Green Hat,不过事实上大多数的男人是绝对忍受不了这种精神刺激的,即使他们知道这个女人出轨只是为了某种生理需要,他们也很难受接受这种事情,但是更多的情况却是他们心安理得的继续着自己的外遇。


要是没有那么点胆量的夫妻可千万不要参加Key Party,当然在中国的话,那就是万万不能了,因为这在法律上可以算是聚众淫乱,甚至连3P也是不允许的。所谓的Key Party实际上也就是一种成人间的换妻游戏,男人们把车钥匙放在一个碗里,女人们挑着谁的钥匙就跟谁。你没有足够的心理承受能力,这种事情也绝对免谈,在导演的安排下我们见证了Key Party中最可怕的几个场景:你被一个丑陋肥硕的太婆挑中了;你眼睁睁地看着你的老婆(情人)故意挑了其他男人的钥匙;你发现最后只剩下了你的钥匙,而没有女人剩下了。

When you think about it, it is not easy from keep wondering life. It is like someone always leaves the door open to the next world, if you do not pay attention, you could just walk through it and then you died. That is why in your dreams it is like you standing in the doorway, the dying people and the new-born people passed by you and rushed up against you as they come in and out of the world during the night. In the morning, it takes you a while to find a way back into a world.


冰风暴The Ice Storm(1997)

上映日期:1997-05-12(戛纳电影节) / 1997-11-26(美国) / 1998-03-11(法国)片长:112分钟

主演:凯文·克莱恩 琼·艾伦 西格妮·韦弗 亨利·科泽尼 托比·马 

导演:李安 编剧:詹姆斯·夏慕斯 James Schamus/里克·穆迪 Rick Moody


初遇 • LIFE