I don’t know if you have had this kind of feelings before. When you sitting in the classroom,getting off from a subway and just put your feet on the elevator. And then suddenly you cannot feel yourself and don’t know what you are, start feeling strange to the surroundings. I used to feel it a lot, but now I feel like I know how to control the button. We got stuck in stupid shits every day, honey moons, scrawling lovers. Day after day, you start regretting everything you did. Eventually, the sun shows up. We gotta past the negative thing, no one’s sorry. There ain’t right and wrongs, just possibilities. Trying to be kind to others, no matter how the situation hurts you right now, go take a donut. Cause in the end, we are going to be a piece of shitty. 最后那句“what did you say”太棒了,几年来在电影院里看过最喜欢的电影!