These speeches touched me.
第二个是《the blind side》女主角sandra bulock的获奖感言。
First, I would like to thank Academy showing that it can be about performance and not the politics;
I wanna thank Ms Hadi Mcdaniel for enduring all that she had to so that I would not have to;
Tyler Perry and Opera Winfrey, because you touched it, the whole world for it;
Ricky Anderson, our attourney, Anderson and Smith, thank you for your hard work;
my entire BET family, my Precious family, thank you so much.

And to my amazing husband, Sydney, thank you for showing me that sometimes you have to forego, doing what's popular in order to do what's right.
And baby, you were so right.

God bless us all.

Did I really win this? Or did I just wear you all down?
I would like to thank the academy to allow me in the last month to have the most incredible ride with a room full of artists that I see tonight and I worked with before and I hope to work with in the future who inspire me and blaze trail for us, four of them that I fall deep in love with, I share this night with, I share this award with.
Gabby, I love you so much. You're exquisite; you're beyond words to me.
Carey, your grace, and your elegance, and your beauty, and your talent... makes me sick.
Helen, I feel like we're family, real family. I don't have words to express, just what I think of you now.
(to Merlyn) You know what I think of you--you're such a great kisser.
I have so many people to thank for my good fortune in this lifetime. And this is an once-in-a-lifetime experience, I know.
To the family that allowed me to play, the Tuohy family, I know you're in here. You probably hear her in a minute. Maybe not. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to... the family that made this film that gave me the opportunity to do something different. Jonny Hanka, Gill Nader, Elkind, Warner Brothers, the actors... everyone who showed me kindness when i wasn't fashionable, I thank you; to everyone who was mean to me, when I was in...George Clooney threw me into a pool years ago, I still holding a grach(?). But there are so many people to thank, not enough time, so I would like to thank what this film was about for me, which are mums that take care of the babies and the children no matter where they come from. Those mums, those parents, never get thanked. In particular, I feel to thank one. So, if I can take this moment to thank Helga Bee for not letting me ride in cars with boys till I was 18 'cause she was right about what she said was right and what I was gonna done was what she wanna do(?); for she picking me practice everyday when I got home, pianno, ballet, whatever it is I wanna to be. She said to be an artist, you have to practice everyday; and reminding her daughter there is no race, no religion, no class system, no color, nothing, no sexual orientation, makes us better than anyone else. We're all deserving of love. So to that trail blazer who allow me to have... that... and this, and this.
I thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to share with these extraordinary women. And my lover Meryl Streep. Thank you.

第82届奥斯卡颁奖典礼The 82nd Annual Academy Awards(2010)

又名:2010第82届奥斯卡金像奖颁奖典礼 / 第82届美国电影学院奖


主演:亚历克·鲍德温 史蒂夫·马丁 

导演:Hamish Hamilton 
