一上来就音乐,warzone footage,营造一种虽然我没见过另一种样貌但绝对是stereotypical阿富汗大环境。路上的行人看镜头是很正常的事情,但配上音乐后就异化了他们,这点让我很愤怒。但不得不说流畅的叙事,剪辑,工业化的成品最后确实让我全程又哭又笑热泪盈眶,最后看着女孩们凝视镜头,想着jingyao和春蕾的破事捂脸痛哭。md有没有希望啊!这部纪录片中音乐是一个神奇的推手,不停地渲染情绪,把情绪和眼泪带向高潮。photogenesis也许用在这很合适?我完全信服这个故事,完全爱着这些眼中有光芒的女孩子们,情绪完全被牵制。Sorry I’m convinced by this industrial documentary Sorry I’m buying this cliche girl power story Sorry I’m never tired of watching women empowering women but truly, what an emotionally dramatic documentary! The music, pacing, story structure, motion, editing, cinematography... perfectly proved its qualification for an academy award. See me, see her, see those shining girls who are brave enough to raise hands to respond to questions they don’t know the answers for, who are taught supported and empowered by another group of amazing young women. This means change this means meaning and love! 镜头某些特写把完整的一套动作拆开,特写增添了不少诗意。近结尾处大环境中的新闻,爆炸…all that noise几乎盖过了女孩们的轮滑声,但我只想专注于她们,她们的动作和轮滑摩擦地面的声音。有一个镜头女孩和男孩们擦身走过,对比起来是那么的弱小,但她们不是fragile girls 她们在学习成为并identify themselves as toughpeople


女孩的战地滑板课Learning to Skateboard in a Warzone (If You're a Girl)(2019)



导演:Carol Dysinger