

1985 (Yen Tan, 2018)
故事线特别像多兰的《只是世界尽头》,但更加简洁,less艺术片感;一小时处,一切戏剧化细节开始展现,人物LGBTQ身份出现,“生命尽头”状态在约二十分钟后揭露 - 但这部电影不是为这些剧情转折而拍的;前一小时,一切生活细节都与异性恋、健康者无异,可以看到作者并没有(过度)消费边缘化群体;也并没有马上引入生命倒计时概念,让第一小时完美的聚焦于家庭内部的互动,发掘忠于宗教信仰的小家庭波澜不惊的表面下“雷霆万钧” - 男主角作为开拓者,也作为出柜者,plus留给弟弟的启发性的录音。
绝对是我的年度十佳的有力竞争者之一吧;私心,因为很多情况不同但类似的情绪;意外的共鸣,就像看《狗十三》的时候;这部似乎是更加地“不同情境”,由此也让这份情绪更加珍贵 - 现在刚看完,不够冷静的情况下,甚至觉得有看完《鸟人》后那种对生命方法论的思考。我在失去自己所最爱的生活的一部分,大概是只需要劝服自己,只是没有遇到Adrian提到的“people that are just like you”;但我等了太久;即将奔二,能认可自己完成了“need to be at another place”的开头几步,但冬天... 永远都是那么艰难。
You’re gonna have some tough days; days where you feel like everything sucks, and you don’t wanna get out of bed; days when you gonna feel like you just don’t belong. I’ve had a lot of those days. And I want you to know; you are not the only one that feels the way you do. There’s a whole world out there for someone like you. I promise you are not as different as you think you are. And mom and dad that might not get it; all of your friends might not get it either, and some of them might say some pretty mean and awful things, because they just don’t get it. But I get it, and I know that you’re gonna learn to be happy... with who you are. And you may need to be at another place to be happy, and you know what? That’s okay; that’s why I left home. It might seem like the hardest thing to do at first , but it might be the right thing for you to do. And in another time, at another place, you’re gonna meet the right people; people that are just like you. People that are just like me. So hang in there, Andrew. Things tend to get a little darker before they get brighter.




主演:科里·迈克尔·史密斯 维吉妮娅·马德森 迈克尔·切克利斯  

导演:陈俊彦 编剧:陈俊彦 Yen Tan/Hutch