

女主的欲望的本质是被对手欲望,却同时使“我”这一欲望的对象被他者掠夺一空,欲望陷入悖论。失去意味着曾有,并把有的可能性先期送到未来。女主不喜欢通奸,她只是男人的欲望的收集者,是虚荣的、男性化的女人,禁止之法孕育了对“物”的激情,她反复体验着被禁止的倒错的性,践踏自己的贞洁 ,只是为了反衬出纯真的珍贵,明确自身已经失去的东西。通奸把她连接到曾有和将有上,以表面上拉远的方式无限逼近对象α。这或许便是幼年丧母、衣食无忧、身体残疾、远嫁他乡的女性没落贵族的欲望方式,她肆无忌惮地追逐剩余享乐,开到荼蘼。
关于女主的突然失语。人因阉割/法则而被象征化,获得语言能力,越言说越扩大不可言说的版图 ;同时被虚无之物召唤,被点燃欲望之灯。 女主的突然失语似于潜意识层的一种徒劳的挣扎,渴求着返回本源的伊甸园 ,原始的母体(Ritinha,以及墙上挂着的My lady),童年的纯真,封闭的自由 (都是对象α,或者说未被画斜线的S) 。聋哑洗衣女Ritinha的奉献精神将自己的空无连接到他者的空无上,支撑着其悠然自足全知全能的表象。而女主,这个虚荣的“男人” ,不愿屈服的主人,独自逃离后缺乏类似的支撑,只能在自我的封闭的镜像中,一意孤行,一脚踏空。

附 摘录个人有感触的台词和旁白
Tearing at bodily symbols (sexual and visual, the worst),a person's nature,a various collection of fluxes.Hideous motions, similar to ancient companies of female prophets,given to deprivations prohibited by men,so love shoulders the blame for Eros'mediocrity.Ema knew of unspeakable examples of love's critical role in prolonging youth by encouraging submissiveness, and she discovered she liked sadness,as a reward for sacrifice.

Ema was intent on stepping up the pace of her life in any way she could,including indebtedness and as much scandal as possible.It was ephemeral pleasure Ema was after.She was prepared for a semblance of pain.

Ema says she likes going to the woods whenever there's a storm and smell the sulphur of the discharge.She admires everything that is riotous and daring.She uses the power of the prophets,frightens to draw attention.

Why else has a man got nipples?
They are totally useless except as......relics of androgyny.

We're educated as women,but our consciences are like a man's.
What do you mean?
There's something not quite true,the content is not all there,like a missing rib.
Eve out of Adam?
The difference is imaginary,a women's thing,like a creature that swallows another, then rejects it.
Maternity symbolizes this process,which is to do with absence.The hollowness to which desire tends.

Venus doesn't love women like you,you don't know the art of delusion.
Is delusion an art?
We are not born men or women......we learn it.
You and I contradict that.

Madame Bovary didn't learn that art, either.

What throws you into disorder is that you delay your judgement.
You say:'Tomorrow I'll be in a place where everything is clear. '
But you want life itself to be your support,not just the expression of yourself.
(男的这方有点“我思故我在”的逻辑 而女主是 “存在与语言不可兼得 我于我不存在之处思”)
Fornicating is not just an undoubting,simple, communicative act,it's also something that displeases you, that you lead into displeasure.
That's the way of feeling the importance of something.

Ema's lust was just imaginary.And all she wanted from men was their desire.
It wasn't pleasure,but more a reward to the men for wanting her.

Only a woman would do that.But I'm a man, according to you.
Flaubert said,'I'm Madame Bovary. 'And Flaubert was a man.
I speak with unhealthy affection.Don't be amazed to see tears in my eyes.I have no future.
Don't be big-headed.
I am not big-headed.
I am all in the past.Only the past lives in me.
You say you don't have one,but your fate is your fate.The bottomless well of desire...
You are implacable.
Life...Life is implacable. Not me.

Luminares wondered whether Ema would not have made a good La Valliere.
She even possessed the flaw that stimulates beauty in the eye of corruption.Satan too was lame.

Ema tasted evil as if it were a delicacy,a wine many times strained, passed over years from barrel to barrel,rounded, strange, deep.

What will happen if vanity vanishes?
Laughter will dry up and men will sigh like sick women.
This is a dirge.

Ema grew up in an unsuitable environment for feelings,suitable for the secrets of life,fully identifiable with desire and its obligations.

What did Ema think of purity? To be deprived of desire,which comforts us by having no pointless problems

For her, God was everywhere and didn't take part in the dialog.
Later, I found out that,in the old Brahman language,'rose' meant 'swinging'or 'the one that swings'.
A very brief image of the flower,its stem, touched by the wind,its leaves about to fall.Why 'rose'?
When the wind touches it,it's no longer a rose.
In its swing it is a rose,but soon ceases to be.
I'm nothing.I'm a swinging state of mind.

……but washing clothes makes her feel fulfilled.
She's very smart.She knows a lot, she knows everything.
She's a closed book because she can't talk.
And deaf as she is, everything she knows comes through her eyes.
You mean, if she didn't have this "passion"...
See, you understand.
We have a mutual esteem based on the imponderable.

Even if she could talk,she wouldn't know how to explain.
She was dedicated and absolutely upright.
There's this connection between us,
how should I say, primal.
There are people who are like part of us.
- Like Ritinha?
- Like Ritinha.
And like my mother, I lost her when I was a baby.
We are nothing, we are slaves.

'Ethics' with capital 'e'.That's what's missing.
Europe made it all up without it.

This Europe,there's no other,created the concept of civilization itself and is a victim of its own making.
Europe realized it maybe too late and feels forced to rearrange the world.
She's desperately trying to do it with democracy.

Go back to your little mental disturbances, 'your sentimental statement of the pure heart you've lost.' 'We don't lose a pure heart,nor waste it, nor change it.'

亚伯拉罕山谷Vale Abraão(1993)

又名:Abraham's Valley / 阿布拉哈姆溪谷


主演:里诺尔·森微娜 路易斯·米格尔·辛特拉 鲁伊·德·卡瓦略 D 

导演:曼努埃尔·德·奥利维拉 编剧:Agustina Bessa-Luís/曼努埃尔·德·奥利维拉 Manoel de Oliveira