I still hear your voice
softly calling my name
but I know my answer in vain
cause I couldn't be with you
when you needed help and rescue
from the darkness that took you away
will there be absolution
at the story's conclusion
or will there be just endless pain
来自Flame In My Heart
逸帆:I have a dream,影视剧这个行业会站立起来,真正实现创作者的真谛,抛掉现实与金钱的诱惑,沉下心来去写有良心的剧本。
I have a dream,在佐治亚的红山上,昔日吝啬的甲方,可以和昔日穷苦的乙方共同坐在一起,共叙行业未来。
I have a dream,在这个导演、编剧、制作方被演员压制如同沙漠的时代会尽快过去,从前那自由、平等、正义、百花齐放的岁月也终将归来。
I have a dream,所有的电视台不再以制作成本、演员咖位论高低,而是以他们的品格优劣来鉴定这是否是一部值得被更多人看到的作品。