

I see immersive dramatic power in this film, a fortunate man.
Pride and/or humility co-exist in a contradictory way.
We all possess pride, despite knowing well ‘pride goes before it falls’, how to sensibly handle pride, though, is what we have been learning throughout our life journey.
‘Fortune favours fools’
Do you agree?
I kind of either or.
The struggles within Peter originate from the doctrinal nurture based on his clergyman father’s chrischianity, which he was unwilling to accept. He had been seeking, searching, and then finally has found himself as ‘half human being in ungodly solitude’.
Lived hard for seeking meaningness, died with meaninglessness, yet.


又名:新征服者佩尔 / 幸运的人 / 幸运的佩尔 / A Fortunate Man


主演:埃斯本·司米德·詹森 卡塔林·格雷-罗森塔尔 本杰明·基特  

导演:比利·奥古斯特 编剧:安德斯·弗里斯夫·奥古斯特 Anders Frithiof August/比利·奥古斯特 Bille August/Henrik Pontoppidan