Tara:We've been set up.我们被下套了

Leyla:So it seems.看来是这样

Tara:You look wonderful.你看起来很美

Leyla:So do you.你也是

Tara:I know.我知道

I'm just joking.我只是开个玩笑

Leyla:How's your husband?你的先生好吗

Tara:I don't have one.我没有先生

I broke off the wedding...我取消了婚礼...

the morning of the wedding.就在婚礼当天的早上

Leyla:That must've been very difficult.那想必很困难

Tara:It was the second hardest thing I've ever had to do.这是我所做的第二个最困难的决定

Leyla:What was the first?第一个是什么?

Tara:Leaving you to go back to Jordan.离开你,回到约旦。

Tara:What about you?你呢?

How are you?还好吗?


Really good.非常好

My book got published.我的书出版了


Leyla:I mean... it will.我的意思是...要出版了

Next week, actually.实际上是下周

Tara:That is so wonderful, Leyla.那真是好极了,蕾拉

No one deserves itmore than you.没有人比你更值得出版它了

How's your girlfriend?你的女朋友呢?


Tara:Has it been more than one?还有别人吗?


She's fine.她很好

Thanks for asking.谢谢关心

Tara:Do you love her?你爱她吗

Leyla:There are things I love about her.她身上有些值得我爱的地方

Tara:And is thatgood enough for you?对你来说,那已经够了吗?

Leyla:No, not really.不,并非如此

Leyla:Did you tell your parents why you broke off your wedding?你告诉你父母取消婚礼的原因了吗?

Tara:I told them it wouldn't be fair to Hani.我告诉他们这对哈尼不公平

Leyla:Did you tell them why?你有告诉他们为什么吗?

Look, Leyla, you...听着,蕾拉,你...

you don't understand.你不了解

Jordan.. it's an unforgiving place.约旦...那是个不能原谅的地方

My parents have a strong place in that society and我的父母在那个社会里有很高的地位

it's a culture that doesn't change.还有那儿的文化根深蒂固

Leyla:And I guess as long as people don't dare to be truthful about who they are我想只要人们不敢真实的面对自己

it never will change.它就永不会改变

Tara:Leyla, I love you.蕾拉,我爱你

It's that simple.就这么简单

Why should it be anyone else's business,even my family's?这和其他人,甚至我家人都没有关系

Leyla:We make it their business every time we have to lie about这和他们有关,每当我们要撒谎

who we're with and why we're with them.与谁在一起,在哪里,这就和他们有关了

You know, you once told me你知道,你曾经告诉我

to be more at ease with myself.对自己不要这么拘束

Thanks to you, I am.谢谢你,我做到了

Now I'm telling you the same thing.现在我要告诉你同样的事情


Every night I empty my heart 每个夜晚我掏空自己的心灵

but by morning it's full again 但晨光出现时一切照旧

Slowly, droplets of you seep in through the night's soft caress 轻柔地,你化作水滴渗入黑夜的爱抚

At dawn I overflow with thoughts of us 黎明时分的我脑海里都是我们的影子

and aching pleasure that gives me no respite 甜蜜的痛楚使我艰于呼吸

Love cannot be contained 爱不能被包容

The neat packaging of desire splits asunder 饱满充盈的思欲被扯得支离破碎

spilling crimson through my days 我每天的日子布满猩红

long, languishing漫长而哀伤的

Days that are now bruised tender with yearning 日子不断磨伤温柔的向往

spent searching for a fingerprint 我尽力寻找你留下的一抹指痕

a scent, a breath you left behind 一缕柔香,一次呼吸

同心难改I Can't Think Straight(2008)


上映日期:2008-06(伦敦电影焦点) / 2008-11-21(美国) / 2009-04-03(英国)片长:82分钟

主演:丽莎·蕾 茜多·塞丝 安东尼娅·弗林 达里普·塔西尔 妮娜· 

导演:谢米姆·萨尔弗 编剧:谢米姆·萨尔弗 Shamim Sarif/Kelly Moss


猪猪 • j
circuit • poem