——Nick Cave的二儿子Earl Cave参演了Kelly家族的弟弟Dan,片子极其浓烈的The Birthday Party气质诚不我欺。
Ned Kelly的扮演者,同样是《1917》的主演,乔治·麦凯(George MacKay),是宝藏。主流院线太久没见过戏这么好、完全不靠外表散发魅力的年轻男演员了,两部大制作电影何等美轮美奂的视听效果,完美到虚假的场景,他都用最真挚最细腻最平凡之心的表演压住了。Ned Kelly后期【脆弱的野兽】这样cliche的形象他都能为之注入新鲜的灵魂,跟好友Joe仿佛双性恋般的肉体亲密那么endearing又不油腻——我pick pick pick!!!
1. 库泽尔跟Kelly gang的卡司说你们是一个朋克乐队,我们是个朋克电影,于是给他们租了个破屋子,给他们三周时间,“给我写几首歌出来!”
2. 麦凯祖母的父亲是爱尔兰人,去过澳大利亚,他爹就是在澳大利亚出生的,长大后才回了英国。他经常听爹爹讲在土澳时童年生活的故事,因此一头扎进了这部电影。(其实还是为了库泽尔嘻嘻。)
3. 麦凯理解的(大概也是库泽尔理解的)主题和我能从影片中看到的完全一致,说明片子拍得很成功——其一,你是否相信命运;其二,你是否能够挣脱你的命运。非常俄狄浦斯。
4. 土澳本身太美了呜呜呜呜,全片第一主角没错。
5. 主持人:你火了你火了你火了。
下面都是各家critics对麦凯的彩虹屁,只挑言之有物的,套路夸夸就不包括了。《1917》里我就看出他貌似正常无害的平均脸NPC表象下有着超极不正常的神经病潜力——果不其然,他在本片中的演出有我喜欢的全部特质,影史上一切伟大演员所必需的both hardness and vulnerability他都有了:
1. https://time.com/5821563/true-history-of-the-kelly-gang-review/
MacKay makes a terrifying, charismatic Ned Kelly; he has the vaguely deranged look of an antique wooden peg doll. Some of his crimes are grisly and cruel, but his spirit is a fire you can’t turn away from. He’s a myth unencumbered by facts—and emboldened by the freedom of wearing a dress.
2. https://www.standard.co.uk/go/london/film/true-history-of-the-kelly-gang-review-a4373461.html
That Ned isn’t outshone by these vivid characters is entirely down to MacKay’s talent. He’s a heart-melting wunderkind, with a face like a psychedelic scarecrow. You can’t take your eyes off him.
Ned spends much of the movie scribbling down his thoughts (he flouts the rules of grammar, rails against waspy elites and self-mythologises with gusto). In Scarface, Tony Montana declares, “I always tell the truth. Even when I lie.” MacKay’s Kelly is as memorable as Montana. And that’s no lie.
3. https://www.flickeringmyth.com/2020/02/movie-review-true-history-of-the-kelly-gang-2019-2/
MacKay captures such confliction with commendable physical and emotional conviction, most notably in a scene where Kelly talks with a local English teacher about his writings, and a visible aggression, harvested from years of turmoil, is suddenly betrayed by the vulnerability captured in tired, sorrowful eyes. Such coarse characterisation is further amplified in musician and younger brother Jed Kurzel’s striking score: a jolting blend of frantic electric guitar riffs and softer, soaring strings.
4. XXX……忘了是哪家了西八:
There’s a punkish swagger to the way Kurzel depicts the adult Ned as a strutting cockerel, furiously suppressing past traumas and inner doubts. George MacKay, who so impressively held his own amid the technical dazzle of 1917, yet again shows his range and charisma here, giving us by far the most visceral and convincing Kelly yet.
5. https://www.theskinny.co.uk/film/new-releases/the-true-history-of-the-kelly-gang
As an adult, he’s played by George MacKay, who brings a vulnerability and ferocity that we haven’t seen in his performances before. He’s a crossbreed of Sid Vicious and Billy the Kid, with the rippling physique of a bare-knuckle boxer but a glass-brittle psyche – it’s a terrifying combination.
6. https://www.theartsdesk.com/film/true-history-kelly-gang-review-anarchy-oz
George Mackay’s bony face and untrusting eyes retain that wrecked child in adulthood, only as a last desperate act becoming the fearsome criminal of legend.
Though convincingly oily as Fitzgerald, Nicholas Hoult falls shorter than fellow Englishman Mackay in inhabiting this slippery mode.