今天看到Youtube上Just Write频道的对《天行者崛起》的评价The Rise Of Skywalker Is The Most Frustrating JJ Abrams Film,基本表达了JJabrams的问题所在,用一句话来概括就是No Scenes, Just Plot。不过这并非重点。
又往回看了Just Write几年前关于《最后的绝地》的The Last Jedi and the 7 Basic Questions of Narrative Drama,其中提到了Film Critic Hulk对剧本写作中分析人物和剧情的七个必要的点,很有意思。以及Why We Can't Agree About The Last Jedi (Or Art In General),当中介绍了Stanley Fish的文学批评理论reader-response theory,由此引申出观众对Luke这个角色的期待。我还是想贴上视频作者关于Luke的几乎是诗意的解释,虽然有点长,但非常值得一读:
The Star Wars fandom is a very strong interpretive community with extremely specific prescriptive criteria for what makes a good film and more importantly what makes a good Star Wars film. And I think that the most significant criteria that The Last Jedi failed to meet according to this community, its unforgivable sin, Is that it quote "Disrespected the franchise" and I think what that phrase really means is that this movie screwed up the core fantasy of Star Wars. So, when Luke Skywalker says, "I think what? I'm gonna walk out with a laser sword and face down the whole first order? A sizeable portion of the audience is like yes, that is exactly what I want you to do! It is literally the only reason I'm here! Star Wars is supposed to be about feeling like you're living the life of an epic hero on a whimsical adventure through space that's supposed to be fun and exciting. It can get pretty dark at times, but the heroes are always heroes. At some point in the film, whether it's the introduction of Luke as a curmudgeon who would casually throw away a lightsaber or later when Rey learns her parents are no one, there is a breaking point where fans turn against the movie because it has actively, even deliberately, violated their list of prescriptive criteria. And that's okay.
I want to offer my own reading of the film, specifically on the one part of it that I think is most responsible for creating the division among fans: the death of Luke Skywalker. Because if Luke had gone down in a blaze of glory, I think many people would have overlooked the film's other shortcomings. But he didn't and I'm happy that he didn't. Here's why... How do we find the courage to fight when everything good we accomplish is undone? That's the issue at the core of Luke's character in this film. Just as the galaxy has been taken again by the forces of evil so too has he by the temptation to do evil. These things are cyclical in the Star Wars universe and if the game is rigged, Luke wants out. And yet he returns and in doing so overcomes the only force in the galaxy he hasn't already conquered, himself, his fears guilts and anxieties. I can think of no better visual representation of overcoming depression than seeing Luke walk out of the darkness through a field of fire to face his past mistakes in the bright light of day. There is one shot in the original Star Wars film that cemented a generation's connection to Luke Skywalker... you know the one. This one [Binary Sunset]. Consider the cinematic language on display here. We're looking across the frame from left to right which in film evokes the idea of looking towards the future And what does he see? Death. We're in a desolate desert where nothing can grow especially Luke who just found out, he's stuck here for another year. And what's more, he's watching the sun set. What little light and hope he has for a bright future is swiftly sliding away. It's a brilliant and moving little moment and like so much of the Star Wars myth The Last Jedi inverts it to create a moment of equal resonance. He's on a mountaintop now, a landscape symbolic of enlightenment in contrast to his earlier innocence. He's looking from right to left, looking back at the meaning of his life. And what does he see now? Rebirth. For a moment in what has to be some sort of hallucination, he sees the twin suns of Tatooine explicitly calling back to this moment but they're rising now, not setting. And in that moment, he has peace and purpose because in a single action he has facilitated the rebirth of the rebellion. And not him exactly but the image of him. The fact that he is a living legend, the literal embodiment of the story of Star Wars itself that stops evil in its tracks. The story of him, of the original trilogy reignites the rebellion, not anything he destroyed. The film denies us the catharsis of violence in this moment even if that would have appeased us. In overcoming himself, Luke gives the rebellion and us what he was always promised to provide: a new hope.
此外,还推荐视频中提到的影评人Film Crit Hulk的影评:The Beautiful, Ugly, and Possessive Hearts of Star Wars
还有一篇我个人特别喜欢的Reverse Shot的影评:Paradise Lost, Regained
另外,找到一个电影的4K截图合集,全部是电影中直接截取,一共152张 ,不管你喜不喜欢这个电影,都得承认TLJ的电影摄影,色彩构图的震撼,而我甚至认为是所有星战电影中的最佳。

星球大战8:最后的绝地武士Star Wars: The Last Jedi(2017)

又名:星球大战:最后绝地武士(港) / 星球大战8 / 星战8 / Star Wars: Episode VIII

上映日期:2018-01-05(中国大陆) / 2017-12-15(美国)片长:152分钟

主演:马克·哈米尔 凯丽·费雪 黛西·雷德利 亚当·德赖弗 约翰· 

导演:莱恩·约翰逊 编剧:莱恩·约翰逊 Rian Johnson/乔治·卢卡斯 George Lucas
