——Joe,hey Joe!
——一辆牛逼闪闪的飞行跑车优雅的停在他旁边,欧翼门打开,Sapper Morton坐在驾驶席上。
——Sapper Morton?我以为我把你干掉了。
——AC/DC的Back in Black轰然响起,飞行车接近Tyrell的金字塔,蓝色的能量柱正在汇聚,Wallace打算毁灭城市。
>Joe? Hey, Joe!
>Joi?! But I saw you...
>I uploaded myself into Luv's Cyberboot when she made contact with my emitter, then when she walked back to Wallace Corp I hacked into the mainframe. Listen, Joe, it's worse than we thought. Wallace is going to destroy Los Angeles with his army of super replicants, you have to stop him!
>If he's got an army, how am I supposed to take him on by myself?
>That's the good news. I got you some backup
>*a BITCHEN SPORTS HOVERCAR gracefully lands next to him, the gull wing door opens revealing Batista is in the driver seat*
>Sapper Morton? I thought I killed you.
>That's what I wanted you to think kid, now hop in. We got a city to save.
>Mind if I put on some classical music?
>Not at all.
>*Back in Black starts blaring as the hovercar approaches the Tyrell pyramid, where a blue energy beam is coalescing as Wallace prepares to obliterate the city*
>Sapper and Joe land outside the pyramid. Luv and Niander Wallace appear at the front door
>"We're here to stop you, Wallace."
>"You can't stop evolution. Humanity is the past. This is the future."
>an army of silver Terminator skeletons marches out past Wallace
>"Look at them. Powerful, soulless, obedient, the perfect Replicant. When the humans are gone, I will rule them as a god."
>Batista chuckles. "There's only one God, and... Well, actually you do look like Jesus. But you're still an asshole" and punches out one of the Super Replicants as a brawl begins and Wallace and Luv retreat into the pyramid
>after fighting their way through the mass of robots, Sapper and Joe reach an immaculate porcelain lobby. They see an elevator door close as Wallace ascends, but Luv remains behind.
>Joe says "Stop him from activating the weapon, I've got this bitch."
>Sapper rushes for the stairs as Joe and Luv engage in an EPIC PARKOUR KUNG FU BATTLE the likes of which has not been seen since the subway fight in The Matrix (1999)
>at the same time, Wallace is furiously typing on two keyboards at once, activating his death laser, as a pulsing blue beam fills the sky
>Sapper bursts through the door. Wallace says "You're too late. It's already begun."
>cut back to the lobby. in spite of his skill, Luv gains the upper hand and subdues him. As she raises her boot to crush his skull she smirks and says "Never send a man to do a woman's job."
>suddenly Joi materializes in front of her. A quick POV shot shows "hard light mode activated" and Joi knocks her out with a right hook, then says "You got that right, sister."
>back in the penthouse, Sapper says "It's never too late," seizes Wallace and BATISTA BOMBS HIM DIRECTLY INTO THE LASER EMITTER, vaporizing him and halting the beam
>Joe and Joi look up at the fireworks then passionately kiss
>cut to black

>two weeks later
>Joe visits Lt. Joshi in the hospital, where she has a bandage around her head
>She tells him that because of his actions, replicants have been granted full and equal rights, and asks him what he's going to do now that he's free
>he replies "What I do best. Blade run."
>roll credits

>post-credits scene
>Luv is sitting in a cell at the new Replicant Jail since violent replicants are now imprisoned rather than retired. She pulls back one of her carefully embossed fingernails, revealing a lockpick concealed under it. The camera zooms into her face as she begins to smile, then quietly and ominously says "I'm the best one."

银翼杀手2049Blade Runner 2049(2017)

又名:银翼杀手2 / Blade Runner 2

上映日期:2017-10-27(中国大陆) / 2017-10-06(美国)片长:163分钟

主演:瑞恩·高斯林 哈里森·福特 安娜·德·阿玛斯 西尔维娅·侯克 

导演:丹尼斯·维伦纽瓦 编剧:汉普顿·范彻 Hampton Fancher/迈克尔·格林 Michael Green/菲利普·迪克 Philip K. Dick
