Slough House小说第二本标题Dead Lions(死狮)




死狮dead lions:跟金蝉的意思差不多,只不过是英国人用的。

黑天鹅black swan:出乎意料又产生了重大影响的意外事件,但是事后想想当初本应该可以预见到。

白鲸white whale:相当于死敌,源于《白鲸记》,Standish说Popov就是兰姆的白鲸。

2.小说和电视剧开头都是Dickie Bow追踪然后死亡的情节。Dickie在路上的心理活动中有提到他回忆起当初因为自己的一个错误就被MI5开除的事,对比之下如今在MI5犯错之后还会有机会,就是被派遣到兰姆的破屋。

Dickie heard occasional whispers on the Soho songlines, and these days even the useless were given a chance...The screw-ups. The losers. They called them the slow horses and they belonged to Jackson Lamb, whom Dickie had encountered, back in the Spooks’ Zoo.




Unscathed, then, our cat withdraws, to check out the adjoining office.And here are two unfamiliar faces, recently dispatched to Slough House:one white, one black; one female, one male; so new they don’t have names yet, and both thrown by their visitor. Is the cat a regular—is the cat a fellow slow horse? Or is this a test?


had Ho noticed our cat’s presence, his response would have been to toss a Coke can at it, and he’d have been disappointed to have missed...Louisa would have gone onto her knees, gathered the cat in her arms and held it to her quite impressive breasts—


Cats are either adjuncts or substitutes, and Catherine Standish has no truck with either.


Cartwright wouldn’t have thought about providing milk; he’d be too busy mapping the cat’s actions, working out how many doors it must have slipped through to make it this far; wondering what drew it into Slough House in the first place; what motives hid behind its eyes. Though even while he was thinking this our cat would have withdrawn and made its way up the last set of stairs, in search of a less stringent reckoning.


when a fucking cat enters his room, he feels like it. Within a blink he’d have seized our cat by the throat; pulled up the blind, opened the window, and dropped it to the road below, where it would doubtless land on its feet, as both science and rumour confirm, but equally doubtless in front of a moving vehicle, this, as noted, being the new dispensation on Aldersgate Street. A muffled bump and a liquid screech of brakes might have carried upwards, but Lamb would have closed the window by thenand be back in his chair, eyes closed; his sausagy fingers interlinked on his paunch.








“I’ll do it,” River said again.
“For Christ’s sake, this is MI5, not a kiddies’ playground. Operational decisions don’t turn on who says bagsies. I decide who goes.” Lamb counted them off from the right. “Eenie meenie minie mo.” At mo, his finger rested on River. He moved it back to Shirley. “Meenie. You’re it.”
River said, “I was mo!”
“And I don’t base operational decisions on children’s games. Remember?”

6.兰姆调侃Spider Webb(蜘蛛·网)的名字,“一看见他我就想拿报纸拍他”

I’m under strength at the House, what with your boy Spider’s recruitment drive.” “Webb?” “I prefer Spider. Every time I see him, I want to swat him with a newspaper.”

7.小河管自己爷爷叫OB,意思是old bastard,而且兰姆知道。

“The O.B. told you that?” Lamb cocked his head. “That’s what you call him, right? The old bastard?” It was, but how Jackson Lamb knew passed all understanding.


Lamb said, “What everyone seems to forget is that even if Alexander Popov never existed, whoever invented him did. And if the same smartarse is making a mousetrap in our back yard, we need to find out why.” He belched. “If that means making Cartwright our designated cheese-eater, so be it. He’s a trained professional, remember. Being a fuck-up is only his hobby.”


It was often observed of Lamb that he could move quietly when he wanted. Min Harper had suggested that this was only true on his home ground, because Lamb knew every creak and wobble of Slough House,having doctored the noisier stairs himself.


For a while, Ho had used a CCTV still of the King’s Cross chaos as a screensaver


After a night in which he’d called six times, he’d approached her in the canteen to ask how she’d slept, and Shirley had decked him with one clean punch. She might have got away with this if she hadn’t hauled him to his feet and decked him again with a second. Issues, was the verdict from HR. It was clear that Shirley Dander had issues.



River had always been able to recite phone numbers, car registrations, Test match scores, months after reading them. It was a gift, Cartwright liked to think, the boy had inherited from him; certainly one he’d encouraged River to cultivate.


Like any Joe, he had his favourite spots. Like any Joe, he mostly avoided them; made his visits irregular, aborting them if there were too many people around, or too few. But like any Joe he needed a space in which he could think, which meant somewhere no one expected him to be.
River paid for a Thai chicken with naan, and the pair walked to St Luke’s and found a bench. Pigeons clustered hopefully, but soon gave up. Possibly they recognised Lamb.



“And you think there’s a connection,” he said flatly.
“Arkady Pashkin,” she said. “Alexander Popov. That doesn’t worry you?”
“Give me a break. I’ve got the same initials as … Jesus Lhrist, but I don’t go on about it. This isn’t an Agatha Christie.”
“I don’t care if it’s a Dan Brown. If the two are connected, then something’ll happen in Upshott. Soon. We should let the Park know.”





“You’ve infiltrated the community, then?”
“I’ve, er, made some progress, yes.”
“Oh Christ,” said Lamb. “You’re shagging a local.”







“Your own government destroyed it,” River said. “Because they thought there was a spy there. But there wasn’t. There never was. The town was destroyed for no reason.”
“There are always reasons,” the Russian said. “The spy wasn’t real, but the evidence was. That’s how the mirror world works, Walker. Your service wasn’t able to plant a spy there because security was too tight. So itdid the next best thing, and planted evidence to suggest a spy. So the government did what governments do, and destroyed the town. What your Service would now call a result. Back then, they called it a victory.”


Thinking such thoughts Jackson Lamb reaches blindly out for something, probably his cigarettes, and when his questing hands come up empty, resorts to opening his eyes. And there in front of him—snout quivering, whiskers a-tremble—sits a mouse. For a moment Lamb has the uncomfortable sensation that this mouse is staring into a past he has tried to bury, or peering into a future he’d sooner forget. And then he blinks,and the mouse is nowhere, if it was ever there at all. “What this place needs is a cat,” grumbles Lamb, but there’s no one there to hear him.


总的来说感觉Slough House跟以前读过的间谍故事都不一样,破屋对于间谍小说,就像堂吉诃德对于骑士小说,重点是还很搞笑。好啦,等剧集第三季出来之后再对比一下第三本~



流人 第二季Slow Horses(2022)


主演:加里·奥德曼 杰克·劳登 克里斯汀·斯科特·托马斯 乔纳森· 


流人 第二季的影评