The Pervert's Guide to Ideology

1. Enjoyment vs. Pleasure

Enjoyment is precisely enjoyment in disturbed pleasure, even enjoyment in pain.

2. The obscene contract that belongs to Catholic church as an institution (not such to Christianity): enjoyment “allowed” by the Big Other.

Commodity and obliged enjoyment in the post-modern society.

3. The true fear of desire is that “I no longer desire” (to be fulfilled). The ultimate melancholic experience is the experience of loss of desire itself.

Dialectics of Commodity.

4. Fantasies are the central stuff our ideologies are made of. In a scene of fantasy that we construct, I don’t get what i desire but I become desired by others.

5. It is palpably clear that how this violence that Breivik not only theorized about but also enacted is a reaction to the impenetrability and confusion of global capital.



6. Nazism introduced a imagined common enemy (Jews).

In reality, multiplicity of fears confuse you, and you replace this multiplicity of fears with one clear pseudo-figure — Jaws, Jews, Single mothers that need constant and large governmental financial support (as in John Major’s ideological campaign, embodied in his conservative narrative)

7. Liberate the elements associated with Nazism (to enjoy them) in order to undermine Nazism from within.

8. The ultimate form of consumerism: to counteract the guilt of the consumers by “telling them we contribute our earnings to environment, poverty, social issues, etc.”

9. Instability and crisis is what pushes capitalism forward (permanent extended self-production). Waste.

10. A comparison between:

- 1968, the communist dream of Czechoslovakia (Prague’s Spring) vs. Soviet Union.

- Romance between Rose and Jack vs. The Iceberg that destroyed Titanic

The latter saved the former, not destroyed it.

11. The truth behind Titanic and similar stories: “Rich people tried to revitalize themselves by ruthlessly appropriating the vitality of the poor people”

12. The politician tells the public “the noble fable” (Plato) even though he knows the truth.

13. Part13,联想到,疫情期间,战时话语下的威权的无限制的扩大。“the divine will in an atheist government”.

14. Bureaucracy and Enjoyment. It is the performance of its very purposelessness that generates an intense enjoyment ready to reproduce itself forever.

15. To realize freedom, is not changing your reality to fit to your dreams, but to change the way you dream.

16. 历史必然性是一个悖论 (or谬论),未来是由人类的意志决定的。

17. The true revolution should redeem the failed past revolutions. Ghosts that are roaming around from the previous revolutions will finally find freedom.


变态者意识形态指南The Pervert's Guide to Ideology(2012)

又名:齐泽克电影指南:意识形态篇(港) / 意识形态疯癫指南



导演:索菲亚·菲尼斯 编剧:斯拉沃热·齐泽克 Slavoj Zizek


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