
疑犯追踪 第二季:大纲

Finch:You knew what we were building here.This thing looks for plotters,schemers.We built it to stop terrorists before they could act.
Alicia:If congress knew about this machine you're building.You would go to jail.
Nathan:I don't suppose they'd let us be cell-mates.
Finch:Knowledge is not my problem.Doing something with that knowledge,that's where you'd come in.
Reese:Sooner or later,both of us will probably wind up dead.
Finch:If something ever happens,I have a contingency.
Finch:We got a new number,Caroline Turing.
Zoe:She put the hit on herself.She was trying to lure you out into the open.
Reese:She wasn't looking for me.She was looking for him.
Root:So nice to finally meet you,Harold.You can call me Root.
Reese:He's in danger now,because he was working for you.So you're gonna help me get him back.

You are being watched.
The government has a secret system a machine that spies on you every hour of every day.
I designed the machine to detect acts of terror but it sees everything violent crimes involving ordinary people.
The government considered these people irrelevent.We don't.
Hunted by the authorities,we work in secret.You'll never find us.But victim or perpetrator,if your number's up,we'll find you.

1、I'm the contingency,the backup.He didn't want me to find him if anything went wrong.He just wanted me to keep rescuing people.
You created an intelligence,a life,and then you ripped out its voice,locked it in a cage,and handed it over to the most laughably corrupt people imaginable.

4、Back in the day,people understood things like respect,loyalty,honor.Those days are gone.
So what do you want to do?
Only one thing to do.Take care of it.
黑社会处刑人 bad code.
It means a flawed design.The term applies to machine,not to people.We have the ability to change,evolve.

5、女记者、Head of HR、市长竞选
Maxine:I put getting the scoop before getting the truth.And my arrogance cost a good man his life.But I sure as hell can catch the bastard behind all of this.
Reese:I know how it feels to do things you can never take back.I can't stop you from hurting or wanting to fix this.But I just don't want you to think you're alone.
The head of HR is Quinn(女记者的朋友)

6、Before I could teach the machine to find bad people,I had to teach it people in general.
To teach a machine the complexities of human nature--
The past is a difficult thing to outrun.

Carter与Snow(CIA)被动接触(跟踪,炸弹背心),said to tell Reese that she is planning something,something big.

8、婚姻 Being in love is one thing.Being married,a whole different animal.(One day you're married to your soul mate,then you watch them turn into someone else.Sometimes you're so in love with who a person was,you can't bring yourself to love who they've become.)
The truth always catches up to you,no matter how hard you try and hide it.

9、Elias's support in rebuilding HR(Simmons交换条件寻求Elias的帮助,重建HR)
Elias said,'Go to hell.'
出租车司机(American dream)→俄罗斯黑客窃取(HSAID--the Homeland Security Automated Identification Database)出售→爱沙尼亚帮→一家团圆

10、If you're watching this,you'll know I'm in trouble.I've always tried to be good,keep the rules.Now I'm gonna break them in a big way.(sister)
To hit back at Elias
To build another revenue stream.
That relationship is over(Elias).We need new friends.
Donnelly invited Carter to join the FBI


D:The man in the suit,you still want to catch him?
C:Yes.Of course.
R:I'm not gonna make it,Harold.
--Sir,we have a problem.Your man in the suit,we got four of them.
D:Cuff them all.We've got the DNA evidence from New Rochelle,got the blood from the burned car,and,thanks to you,fingerprints.He's ours.
F:I don't want you crossing some kind of line to do
C:This?Already deleted them from the network too.Now we have to deal with the DNA sample.
C:What's going on?I thought the evidence cleared these guys.
D:It's all too neat.There's only one person that I know I can trust anymore.You.I know you were a senior interrogator in Iraq.I want you to put those military skills to use.Start with him.
结尾Donnelly was murdered by Kara.(我很喜欢Donnelly!!!!!!!!)
PS:Reese、Kara 鄂尔多斯任务回放……

Information warfare units.(Viruses,worms,military-grade malware designed to infect and destroy enemy computer networks.)
??:They were so afraid of the new gods--their own children that they ate them.You work for the old gods,Kara.And they betrayed you.I can offer you what your old employers couldn't or wouldn't give you.I can give you an answer.You merely have to tell me the question.
Kara:Who?Who did this to me?
??:Precisely,not your old boss,Mark Snow.I have a fairly graphic idea of your plans for him.But the person truly responsible.The person who sold the laptop in the first place.(Finch)
Kara:In exchange for what?
??:Do you remember how the Titans were finally killed?Before they could eat their youngest child,Zeus,they wrapped a boulder in his swaddling clothes,then watched as his father chkd on it.
R:Something you said once.About how sooner or later we'd both probably end up dead.
F:I'd prefer later.After all,I'm the one that got you into this in the first place.
R:I'm pretty sure I'd be dead already if you hadn't found me.
F:It's hard to say.
R:Not really.Pick a winner,Harold.
Snow自杀式袭击Kara(You were right,Kara.About me being dead,I'm gonna be great at it.)
两名前CIA特工死亡,man in a suit结案

the machine创建史(Nathan是第一个关注无关号码的人……)
01年911(Something happened this morning.We started IFT to change the world.We changed,but the world stayed the same until today.If we don't change the world,someone else will,so what are we gonna do to stop the guys who did this?)
09年卖给政府(We build the single most powerful technology known to man.A machine that knows when someone needs help.And.)
(Not enough lives.)Nathan built a back door.

Did you see it happen?--No,but she did.She saw everything.
Where's the girl now?--Are you sure you can keep her safe?
Of course.

16、He's been asking too many questions.
How do we deal with it?
Seems to me we have the solution at hand.
Listen,you've got the wrong guy.You just need to--
北极光"Northern Lights"
Research--Don't exist.
A group out of the pentagon called the Intelligence Support Activity.
Shaw假死(Your employers wanted you dead.So now you are.)

The storm warning is for the coastal areas of Nassau and Suffolk counties,including east and south Hampton and Owen Island.Heavy rains and destructive winds will continue into the night.Residents are advised to prepare for evacuation.
I have a feeling that it's just beginning.


19、我大TC被黑……商业间谍→国家间谍(spying for his country)
Justin Lee is dead,Sir.And now that executive has started digging into the accident.Knowing her,she won't stop.
Then see to it that she does.
Whoever controls information will control the future.(幕后主脑→与Kara做交易之人)
Decima Technologies(德西玛科技)

I think we're up against a group of corrupt cops.They steal the drugs,the cash,and they kill all the witnesses.
Stills is Narcotics.
Yeah,I know damn well what happened to Detective Stills,and so does Detective Fusco.I'll tell you everything you want to know.
Fusco被调查(Fusco,I don't think anyone gives a crap about you)
Reese:Once a dirty cop,always a dirty cop...(心寒啊...Everyone deserves a second chance??)

21、Finch:I was able to crack the virus'code and learn the name--Decima Technologies.I believe they created the virus to infect a single target--the machine.
Unlike the CIA,my employers have an inkling of what happens next.
I just thought it needed an off switch just in case.
That storm on the horizon that I mentioned I'm afraid it's arrived.
If I can't get there before something bad happens,I can at least get there the second it does.(10天无法联系the machine)
The machine made Ernest Thornhill(厄尼斯特.唐希尔)
2010年,Finch向Grace求婚,工作完成了,生活却无法继续(That's a complicated proposition)
No more pseudonyms, no more lies.
(Don't answer the phone again unless it's me.I won't let Root get to you,not again.
I've lost people before,so when I care about someone,I plant a tracking device on them.)
Root Believes in the machine.
Tonight at midnight,when the virus reaches zero,a certain pay phone will ring with the most important call in history.Whoever answers that call will have full administrative access.Ask any question,get any answer.The world's secrets laid bare.

22、The machine controls itself.(自己搬离了原址...)
Reese:You hid a virus within a virus?
Finch:I realized that the people Nathan and I had entrusted the machine to were the wrong people,and that the only way to protect it would be to teach it to protect itself.If I hadn't returned,you would continue what we had started.
(My life changed when I kept my mouth shut at an airport terminal severn years ago.You didn't have anything to do with that.)
三方可以得到the machine的号码

疑犯追踪 第二季Person of Interest(2012)

又名:嫌疑人 第二季 / 意中人 第二季

主演:迈克尔·爱默生 吉姆·卡维泽 塔拉吉·P·汉森 莎拉·夏希  

导演:大卫·塞梅尔 理查德·刘易斯 编剧:乔纳森·诺兰 Jonathan Nolan