Mrs. Hughes:We all carry scars,Mr Battes,inside or outside.You're no different to the rest of us,remember that.

Mrs. Hughes:I've changed.Mr.Carson.
Carson:Life's altered you,as it's altered me.And what would be the point of living if we didn't let life change us?

Battes:You naughty girl.
Anna:Fight fire with fire.That's what Mum says.

Cora:I know this is hard for you to hear.God knows,it was hard for me to live through.But if you expect me to disown my daughter.

Violet:You are quite right.When somthing had happens,there is no point in wishing it had not happened.The only option is to minimise the damage.(既然事情已经发生,再想着如果没有发生就完全没有意义,唯一的选择就是把损害降到最小)
Violet:In this case,Mary has the trump card.
Violet;Mary's family.

Violet:Now,don't let Mary wait for the baby before she gives Matthew her answer.If she wont say yes when he might be poor he wont want her when he will be rich.(如果她不能共患难,他就不能共富贵。)

唐顿老爷:We've deamed dream,my dear,but now it's over.The world was in a dream before the war.but now it's woken up and said goodbye to it.And so must we.

Violet:See,Sometimes we must let the blow fall by degrees.Give him time to find the strengh to face it.

Here is what i think,break with him,He may publish but we'll be a house of scandal anyway with Bates'story.
Once,I might have thought that a good thing.But I've been through a war and a murder trial since then.To say nothing of your sister's choice of husband.
I don't want my daughter to be married to a man who threatens her with ruin! I want a good man for you.a brave man.

唐顿庄园 第二季Downton Abbey(2011)

又名:唐顿庄园 第二季

主演:休·博纳维尔 吉姆·卡特 伊丽莎白·麦戈文 玛吉·史密斯  

导演:阿什利·皮尔斯 编剧:朱利安·费罗斯 Julian Fellowes

唐顿庄园 第二季的影评

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