上班一条虫Office Space(1999)

又名:办公室一条虫 / 老板靠边站 / Risutora man


主演:朗·里维斯顿 詹妮弗·安妮斯顿 大卫·赫尔曼 阿杰·奈杜  

导演:迈克·乔吉 编剧:迈克·乔吉 Mike Judge


彼得(朗·里维斯顿 Ron Livingston 饰)对于自己目前的状况感到十分困扰,乏味而又枯燥的工作让他觉得前途暗淡,老板是个十足的混蛋可是作风十分严谨让人抓不到把柄,最最让彼得难过的是,他十分怀疑自己的女友给自己戴了顶绿帽子。而此时公司又传来了要裁员的消息。在接踵而至的坏事中,只有麦克尔(大卫·赫尔曼 David Herman 饰)和塞米尔(Ajay Naidu 饰)两个损友能给彼得带来一些快乐。   在女友的强烈要求下,精神越来越紧张的彼得去看了心理医生,没想到在催眠的过程中出了意外,这意味着在接下来的日子里,彼得都将在被催眠的状态下度过。没想到,一反常态的彼得居然得到了上司的亲睐,而他的两个好友却惨遭辞退。
Plot Summary:In the Initech office, the insecure Peter Gibbons hates his job and the abusive Division VP Bill Lumbergh that has just hired two consultants to downsize the company. His best friends are the software engineers Michael Bolton and Samir Nagheenanajar that also hate Initech, and his next door neighbor Lawrence. His girlfriend Anne is cheating on him but she convinces Peter to visit the hypnotherapist Dr. Swanson. Peter tells how miserable his life is and Dr. Swanson hypnotizes him and he goes into a state of ecstasy. However, Dr. Swanson dies immediately after giving the hypnotic suggestion to Peter. He dates the waitress Joanna and changes his attitude in the company, being promoted by the consultants. When he discovers that Michael and Samir will be fired, they decide to plant a virus in the account system to embezzle fraction of cents in each financial operation into Peter's account. However Michael commits a mistake in the software and instead of decimals, they steal a large amount. The desperate trio tries to fix the problem or they will go to prison.


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