Jack无疑是一个完美的爸爸和丈夫,有的时候当我们拥有的事物太过于美好的时候,我们往往要在失去之后才会意识到,因为美好事物离开留下的空洞太大了。对于Kate和Kevin来说,失去Jack甚至成为二十年来都过不去的一道坎,生命中从此有一块missing piece,再也难以完整,直到Kate遇到Toby,直到Kevin终于愿意面对自己。
对于Rebecca来说,最难的是接受现实,但是失去了Jack她不能悲伤,她还要做一个坚强的母亲,直到完成她的责任,告诉并陪伴孩子们度过最难过的时光之后,才一个人到车里去哭去叫去发泄自己。Rebecca见到Miguel的时候说:“We are not gonna do that right now,because i have to go inside and talk to my kids and ruin the rest of their life.So I'm gonna be strong for them.God help me,I'm gonna be strong for them.And if you can't be strong ,then you need to take a walk around until you can.”对于成年人来说,最难的是我们不能在想笑的时候笑想哭的时候哭,因为肩上的责任太重了,因为我们有爱的人。
二十年后,Kate终于对Toby打开心扉,尝试从伤痛中走出来,拥抱新的自己。她对Toby说:"He was so patient,and he was just steady.He never gave up on that damn window.The night my Dad died,i thought"we are done.we won't come back from this.And then I thought' Maybe,maybe they can.Not because they needed him less,but because they were built of stronger stuff than I was.And for 20 years,I thought very little of myself.And this big,old guy with this big old heart came to my life.And whenever I broke ,he never gave up on me,over and over again.And made me believe in me.Do you know you changed my life,that you saved my life?Omg he would've loved you ,and I love you ."瞧,总有一天你会找回那块missing piece of your life。Never stop believing.
二十年后,Kevin终于不再逃避,他来到Jack的树下说:"I'm sorry,Dad,that I wasn't there that night.I'm sorry the last thing I ever said to you was awful.I have had a really bad year and a bad couple of decades. I haven't turned out to be even close to the man that you expected me to be.I think you would be really dissappointed in me.I wanna come here and stop avoiding you and start talking to you.I'm gonna be a man and do better for you.And if this is the last thing I do ,I'm gonna make you proud of me.I swear.It might take another couple of decades,but I will get there.I promise you.Can you just bear with me?"瞧,我们总会达到我们的终点,不管要走多少弯路,花多少时间,请给我一些信心,我会让你骄傲。

我们这一天 第二季This Is Us(2017)

又名:这就是我们 / 我们的生活 / 同一生日下 / 同一天的我们 / 我们

主演:斯特林·K·布朗 曼迪·摩尔 克丽丝·梅斯 贾斯汀·哈特雷  

导演:肯·奥林 约翰·福滕贝里 格伦·费卡拉 约翰·里夸 雷吉娜·金 泽纳·富恩特斯 乌塔·布里兹维茨 乔安娜·科恩斯 丽贝卡·爱舍 克里斯·科赫 编剧:丹·福格尔曼 Dan Fogelman/贝卡·布伦斯特 Bekah Brunstetter/艾萨克·阿普塔克 Isaac Aptaker/伊丽莎白·伯格 Elizabeth Berger/薇拉·赫伯特 Vera Herbert/Tyler Bensinger/唐·罗斯 Don Roos/卡伊·耶贡 Kay Oyegun/K.J.斯坦伯格 K.J. Steinberg/舒卡里·蒂曼 Shukree Tilghman/丽贝卡·布鲁斯特 Rebecca Brunstetter/劳拉·肯纳 Laura Kenar

我们这一天 第二季的影评

小可 • 杰克