
宋飞正传 第一季:有关宋飞



Friends是94-03播放, Seinfeld是89-98,中间重合的部分是94-98,下表是收视率比较:

Friends(#Rating) Seinfeld(#Rating)
1994-1995 9 1
1995-1996 3 2
1996-1997 4 2
1997-1998 4 1


Seinfeld (9 个季度): 10 Emmy, 3 Golden Globes;
Friends (10 个季度): 6 Emmy, 1 Golden Globes.

在一个由TV guide editor产生的Greatest show of all time的评选中,

在wiki上,Seinfeld每个episode都有一个wiki page,Friends没有哦。


宋飞是一个Standup comedian, 奇怪的职业,基本上在周末会有一些Comedy club电话他去做一个set,club里不像黄子华那种在红馆或者伊馆那种有几千个观众的规模,通常都是几十个人,大家喝喝啤酒,看看standup。一晚上通常都有好几个人,每人做半小时一小时那种。宋飞当时也只能算是小有名气,但也属于收入不固定,一个电话过来就得飞去不同的城市做show那样,或者一个电话过来就取消掉今晚的收入。平时没事就跟邻居朋友唠唠嗑,看看电影,泡泡妞。

主要编剧Larry David是个秃头的不太得志的同学,剧中的George Costanza就是以他为原型创造的。因为剧中S04E11 The contest的出色写作获得大奖。

正如上面那个简介说的,宋飞并没任何主题,在剧中,宋飞就扮演他自己,剧中的朋友邻居都是来自他真实的生活,剧中最常见的场景就是在宋飞家的客厅,然后就是他们四-人/帮最喜欢去的快餐店Monk's cafe。剧中人物没有英雄,没有甜蜜的爱情,甚至都是自私的,无聊的小市民。

剧中Larry David也借助George之口道出了本片的特点:
George: See, that's the show.
Jerry: what is the show?
George: This. This talking.
Jerry: right.....
George: I am serious. This talking is the show.
Jerry: A show about what?
George: It's about nothing! Everybody is doing something, we are doing NOTHING!

George: What do you do today?
President of NBC: I got up and come to work.
George: That's the show.
President of NBC: That's it? nothing happen?
George: Nothing!
President of NBC: Then why people watch it?
George: Because it is on TV!

宋飞(Jerry Seinfeld):
有一集George提到他想去参与一个慈善工作,问宋飞要不要一起,宋飞断然拒绝,George就很鄙视的说:"what kind of person are you?!" 宋飞:"I think i am mostly like you, only successful~".
George甚至为了逃避一个朋友要他照顾一个小孩的责任,说慌要去法国出差,刚好宋飞的双亲要去法国旅游,George为了说谎说的像,就拜托他们到法国后以George的名义给他的朋友和小孩寄一张明信片。宋飞双亲对George的行为很不解,就问宋飞Why? 宋飞说:“Because George is a deeply disturbed individual”...

比如说The fix up里面,Elaine想把他介绍给她的朋友S,然后E和S就出现了这么一段对话:
S:what does he look like?
E(尴尬的):he is kind of...just kind of..er...losing his hair.
S(惊讶的):he is bald?!!
E:No! No....he is balding..
S:So he will be bald.
还有George对自己也是及其自卑,有一集George 和朋友们在大叹苦经,突然Elaine在Monk's cafe看到一美女,就怂恿George过去搭讪,George一脸严肃的说:“Elaine, a man with no hair, no jobs, and no money, who lives with his parents, will not approach strange women”.发散一下,在这一集中,宋飞怂恿他,如果你觉得你的人生是完全的失败,那么反过来去行动,就是成功。
My name is George, i'm unemployed, and i'm living with my parents."没想到效果却出奇的好,不仅勾搭上了美女,人家还介绍他去扬基队当助理。

George也被塑造成喜欢讲善于讲慌话的高手,他的座右铭就是:It's not a lie if you believe it. 堪称说谎的最高境界。但是他又是一个藏不住秘密的人,特别是谁谁谁的八卦,尽管当事人千叮万嘱不让他说出去,但基本上秘密守不了几个小时。

Susan:"I just want you to know i love your son very much."
George'mom:"May i know why?"

订婚后,George的朋友偶然想向他介绍一个大美女明星Marisa Tomei,因为Marisa很喜欢George这一类秃头的矮胖男,George于是又开始怀疑当初跟Susan订婚是不是正确的决定。随着婚期的临近,George越来越不安,千方百计的想推迟或者取消婚约,甚至想到跑中国避难玩消失。Elaine建议他不如假装你是个烟鬼,因为女人都很讨厌烟鬼,George就买了包烟故意在Susan面前抽,结果反而自己受不了呛人的味道放弃了。Kramer就建议他叫Susan签婚前财产公证,因为女人都很讨厌这个,没想到这个主意一向Susan提出来,就招到Susan的耻笑:"财产公证?!!哈哈,你什么都没有,我赚得比你多得多好哇?!哈哈哈哈,把那张纸拿来,我签!" 后来实在没办法,George也认命了,准备婚礼前,去买婚礼邀请卡的信封,George贪便宜买了灰常劣质的含有毒胶水的信封,Susan在封邀请卡时舔信封的胶水结果死翘翘了。。。George在医院得知这个消息第一件事就是打电话给Marisa Tomei说他又available了。。。

Jerry: I had a very interesting lunch with George Costanza.
Kramer: Really?
Jerry: We were talking about our lives, and we both kind of realized we're kids; we're not men.
Kramer: So then you asked yourselves, "Isn't there something more to life?"
Jerry: Yes! We did!
Kramer: Yeah, well, let me clue you in on something: there isn't.
Jerry: There isn't?
Kramer: Absolutely not. I mean, what are you thinking about Jerry? Marriage? Family?
Jerry: Well ...
Kramer: They're prisons! Man-made prisons. You're doing time! You get up in the morning, she's there. You go to sleep at night, she's there. It's like you gotta ask permission to use the bathroom. (pleading voice) "Is it all right if I use the bathroom now?"
Jerry: Really?
Kramer: Yeah, and you can forget about watching TV while you're eating.
Jerry: I can?
Kramer: Oh, yeah! You know why? Because it's dinner time. And you know what you do at dinner?
Jerry: What?
Kramer: You talk about your day! "How was your day today? Did you have a good day today or a bad day today? Well, what kind of day was it? I don't know, how 'bout you, how was your day?"
Jerry: Boy!
Kramer: It's sad, Jerry. It's a sad state of affairs.
Jerry: I'm glad we had this talk.
Kramer: Oh, you have no idea!

有一集里四个人在Monk's cafe谈到有些女人会在have sex的时候fake orgasm...然后就有一段搞笑的对话:
George: You faked?
Elaine: On occasion.
Jerry: And the guy never knows?
Elaine: No.
Jerry: How can he not know that?
Elaine: Because I was gooood.
Jerry: I guess after that many beers he's probably a little groggy anyway.
Elaine: You didn't know
Jerry: What about the breathing, the panting... the moaning, the screaming?
Elaine: {smiles} Fake, fake...fake, fake!

印象中9 seasons里播出过2次集锦。


George失业了,调查人员为了确认他是不是有在积极的找工作而不是因为好吃懒做不干活骗救济金,就问他最近的面试经历。George编造了一个虚无的公司Vanderlay Industries,以为可以蒙混过关,不料调查人员穷追不舍,定要George提供Vanderlay Industries的电话和地址,以便事后核实。情急之下George只好把Jerry Seinfeld家的电话提供了出来。然后急匆匆的跑回Jerry家里,让他接电话的时候一定要假装是Vanderlay Industries的员工。 后来Work in Vanderlay Industries成为美语里失业的代名词。

Agent: I'm sorry, we have no mid-size available at the moment.
Jerry: I don't understand, I made a reservation, do you have my reservation?
Agent: Yes, we do, unfortunately we ran out of cars.
Jerry: But the reservation keeps the car here. That's why you have the reservation.
Agent: I know why we have reservations.
Jerry: I don't think you do. If you did, I'd have a car. See, you know how to
take the reservation, you just don't know how to *hold* the reservation and
that's really the most important part of the reservation, the holding. Anybody
can just take them.

George: They're worse! They're much worse than us, they talk about
everything! Couldn't you at least tell her about the shrinkage factor?
Jerry: No, I'm not gonna tell her about your shrinkage. Besides, I think
women know about shrinkage.
George: How do women know about shrinkage? (They see Elaine walking down
the hall) Elaine! Get! (She enters) Do women know about shrinkage?
Elaine: What do you mean, like laundry?
George: No.
Jerry: Like when a man goes swimming... afterwards...
Elaine: It shrinks?
Jerry: Like a frightened turtle!
Elaine: Why does it shrink?
George: It just does.
Elaine: I don't know how you guys walk around with those things.
里面Frightened turtle的比喻实在是....

Jerry: Well I didn't want her to have an accident.
George: What accident?
Kramer: Well after he heckled Toby, she got so upset she ran out of the building and a street sweeper ran over her foot and severed her pinky toe!
George: That's unbelievable!
Kramer: Yeah, and after the ambulance left I found the toe. So I put it in a Cracker Jack box, filled it with ice and took off for the hospital.
George: You ran!?
Kramer: No I jumped on the bus. I told the driver "I got a toe here buddy, step on it!"
George: Holy cow!
Kramer: Yeah, yeah, then all of a sudden, this guy pulls out a gun. Well, I knew any delay is gonna cost her her pinky toe, so I got out of the seat and I started walking towards him. He says, "Where do you think you're going, Cracker Jack?" I said, "Well, I got a little prize for ya, buddy - " - knocked him out cold!
George: How could you do that!?
Kramer: Then everybody is screamin,' because the driver, he's passed out from all the commotion...the bus is out of control! So, I grab him by the collar, I take him out of the seat, I get behind the wheel and now I'm drivin' the bus.
George: You're Batman
Kramer: Yeah. Yeah, I am Batman. Then the mugger, he comes to, and he starts chokin' me! So I'm fightin' him off with one hand and I kept drivin' the bus with the other, y'know? Then I managed to open up the door, and I kicked him out the door with my foot, you know - at the next stop.
Jerry:(Incredulous)You kept making all the stops!?
Kramer: Well, people kept ringing the bell!

还有就是George在会议室狂吃虾遭到同事的取笑:"The ocean called, they're running out of shrimp",George感到十分尴尬,下班路上突然想到一个很好的come back:"The Jerk store called, they're running out of you!",回去后就找Jerry狂吹他想到一个多么好的come back,Jerry说还不如:"Your skull called, it's running out of brain",Kramer告诉他,最毒的come back应该是"I slept with your wife" -_-||...George仍然坚持他的"Jerk store"最棒,终于让他找到机会可以和他那个同事一起开会,终于等到了那句让他魂牵梦绕的耻笑:The ocean called they are running out of shrimp..George得意洋洋:"The jerk store called, they're running out of you!",想不到那个同事更毒:"what's the difference, you are their best-seller of all time!"..囧rz..

如此多的精彩片段,还有那么多的精彩台词,Elaine的Spongeworthy, Jerry的Master of domain, Kramer的out of the contest, George的king of idiot...回想起来都忍不住发笑。
可惜再也没有这样好玩的剧集了,尽管历时将近10年,总共180集,还觉得意犹未尽,可是The finale这一集最终还是到来了,本集中,Jerry等四个活宝跑到麻省,碰到一抢匪抢劫路人不仅没有提供帮助,反而站在路边嘲笑受害者的肥胖,但是他们却因此受到了法律的制裁,因为麻省刚刚颁布了一条法律:不向受害者提供帮助的目击人必须坐牢。麻省的检察官召集了这四个活宝以前的朋友亲戚前往法庭,于是前180集的大多数角色全部在本集到齐,你一言我一语的揭露他们四人之前的“自私丑恶”的行为,顺便把之前的剧情high light了一下。。。法官听到如此多的恶行也怒了,说能够把这四个社会的毒瘤送进监狱是他法官生涯最伟大的事。于是jerry继续在监狱里讲他的栋笃笑,夜深人静之后,四个活宝在牢房里面对面坐着,就跟他们一直在Monk's cafe里聊天一样,Jerry 又注意到George衬衣的第二个纽扣,开始嘲笑它的位置太靠近脖子了。忽然意识到,在十年前第一集pilot里,他们也就坐在Monk's cafe,讨论衬衣第二颗钮的高低问题,The finale就此结束。。。

The finale

一直就想写点关于宋飞的东西了,但每次都很担心写的时候肯定满脑子都是剧中的high light,到时候肯定是满篇都是大段大段的引用。。而台词引用最大的特点,就是看过该剧的人会会心一笑,没看过的人只会感到莫名。事实证明的确如此,引用占了大半的篇幅,刚开始还有点思路,越到后面就越发散了。不过也无所谓了,自己看看,自娱自乐,也挺好的。就像George说的,"有什么了不起的?只不过是个sitcom"。得过什么奖,The greatest show of all time, 又如何呢?只不过是个sitcom而已。不过是娱乐的东西,为什么一定要有主线?为什么要有剧情?为什么必须有中心思想?又何必一定要发人深省?一定要颂扬什么,贬斥什么?看过,笑过,也就足够了。

宋飞正传 第一季Seinfeld(1990)

又名:宋飞外传 第一季 / 善菲尔德 / Stand-Up Season 1 / The Seinfeld Chronicles

主演:杰瑞·宋飞 杰森·亚历山大 茱莉亚·路易斯-德瑞弗斯 迈克尔 

导演:Tom Cherones 编剧:拉里·戴维 Larry David/杰瑞·宋飞 Jerry Seinfeld

宋飞正传 第一季的影评