本片是坎贝尔史考特与珍妮佛杰森李主演的电视电影,剧情架构有点近似多年前轰动一时的《似曾相识》,是一部拍得十分细腻动人的超时空爱情片。剧情描述青年史科蒂柯里甘偶然在一张古董桌中发现了一封在一百多年前写好的情书,被信中传达的情意深深感动,进而对写信的女主人产生一种微妙的情愫。他不顾在现实生活中即将举行的婚礼,用一百多年前的墨水和邮票来响应了那封情书,不料因此产生了一段隔代的恋情。本片获得美国编剧协会的最佳电视编剧奖,导演丹寇蒂斯对浪漫迷离的气氛亦处理得可圈可点。Scotty Corrigan buys an antique desk and finds a Civil War-era letter inside it, written by a woman who died over a hundred years ago. Fancifully, he writes and mails a reply...only to have it reach its destination in the past. As Elizabeth and Scotty continue their remarkable correspondence, they find themselves falling in love, and more than restless about their impending, respective, marriages.