《沉没之岛》影片一开始,观眾便跟随导演的旁白,一边反省台湾的水患风灾,一边走访位於遥远南太平洋上、五十年后将要沉没的小小岛国「吐瓦鲁」。黄信尧坦言,当初看了太多「救救吐瓦鲁!」的资讯和媒体报导,以為吐瓦鲁是一个很妻惨的国家,但去到当地之后,才发现并不是想像中的那麼一回事。这个矛盾、充满衝突和自省的过程在影片中展露无遗,镜头在台湾、吐瓦鲁两地之间来回跳跃,碰撞出许多迷人且丰富的意义,也透过导演亲口述说的台语旁白,產生一种切身的说服力,而透过吐瓦鲁这面借镜所看见的台湾,则显得更加燥热难耐、伤痕累累。此外,影片更少见地触及纪录片工作者的姿态与位置,在风光明媚的风景、动人欢愉的歌声之外,又带领观眾进入更深一层的省思。Tuvalu is an ally of Taiwan located in the southern Pacific Ocean. Its territory consists of only 26 square kilometers, and will be the first island nation to be submerged by the oceans once the sea level rises due to global warming. The director Huang Hsinyao left his hometown after the 88 flooding disaster in Taiwan in search of this disappearing island called Tuvalu. The filming process is marked by a succession of unexpected events.