“告诉我你有多爱我,我才会懂得如何去爱。”导演和她的角色们一起探索了一个关于亲密关系的研究课题。站在现实和虚幻的模糊边界之上,《不要碰我》跟随着劳拉,托马斯和克里斯蒂安的情感之旅,以一种深深的共情的姿态洞察他们的生活。对亲密关系渴求的痛死又对其抱有着恐惧,他们努力克服旧有模式,防御机制以及禁忌,去切断束缚,最终获得自由。它以最特别的手法令人思考,我们如何找到亲密感以及我们如何在爱对方的同时不失去自我。Laura cannot bear to be touched and recoils whenever anyone catches hold of her or takes her hand. She goes to see a therapist, and orders a male prostitute, but her body is still like an armour. In a loose succession of scenes, we follow other people in search of intimacy. Christian, who has to live with many physical impairments, talks candidly about what turns him on, what turns him off and his love life with his long-standing girlfriend. The couple participate in a workshop on body awareness attended by people of all ages, with and without disabilities, such as Tudor. His bald head makes him seem strangely vulnerable and he has yet to discover and accept the manifold forms of his desire. The cool images and laboratory-like atmosphere of this film help the viewer to jettison their own preconceived opinions and ideas of intimacy, as it takes us on an emotional expedition to illuminate the many different facets of sexuality beyond all taboos. Each scene develops its own sense of ...