故事发生在1979年的一座工业小镇上,接连出现的因白血病而死亡的病例惹得居民们人心惶惶,大家都知道,镇上那两家整日排放着污水的大工厂和这些悲剧脱不了干系。在庞大的工厂体系面前,个人是如此的渺小,可是即便如此,失去了日子后,安妮(凯瑟琳·奎南 Kathleen Quinlan 饰)毅然决定联手镇上的8个受害者家庭,对两家工厂提起了诉讼。 没有律师愿意接受这样棘手的案例,除了胜算渺小外,他们也不愿意惹上不必要的麻烦,只有一个人是例外,他就是简斯里特曼(约翰·特拉沃塔 John Travolta 饰)。简花费了大量的人力和财力调查两家工厂的日常排水,在证据确凿之后,却因为被告方的暗度陈仓而输了官司,简失去了一切,金钱,家庭,名誉,但他并没有放弃。Jan Schlichtmann, a tenacious lawyer, is addressed by a group of families. When investigating the seemingly non-profiting case, he finds it to be a major environmental issue that has a lot of impact potential. A leather production company could be responsible for several deadly cases of leukemia, but also is the main employer for the area. Schlichtmann and his three colleagues set out to have the company forced to decontaminate the affected areas, and of course to sue for a major sum of compensation. But the lawyers of the leather company's mother company are not easy to get to, and soon Schlichtmann and his friends find themselves in a battle of mere survival.