曾经出版过多部超人气小说的女性作家远野丽莎(中谷美纪 饰)早已登上事业的顶峰,而顶点制霸的同时也昭示着下坡路的开始。 近一段时间丽莎在创作上越来越感到力不从心,和家人糟糕的关系也让她倍感疲惫。上天似乎并未抛弃她,而是适时将川原由树(水川麻美 饰)推到这位名作家的面前。怀有写作梦想的由树名不见经传,她以助手身份受雇于丽莎,凭借出色的文笔和巧妙的构思得到大作家的青睐。在丽莎及其情人——骏峰社文艺志主编神崎雄司(田中哲司 饰)的暗示和诱导下,由树开始为丽莎的新作撰写大纲,并最终成为对方的枪手。 渴望继续维持人气和水准的名作家和拥有绝高天赋但不被世人所知的小人物,她们携手走上了一条共犯之路……A young woman, Yuki Kawahara (Mizukawa) is hired as an assistant by a well-known novelist, Risa Tonou (Nakatani). The novelist suffers from writer's block after years of intense pressure from her publisher to produce novels and screenplays. The assistant, herself an aspiring writer, at first offers ideas for plots and then eventually takes over all of the writing duties, sacrificing her own career in the process. An engaging psychological drama with many plot twists follows over ten episodes.