更新:2021-05-21 02:05:39


又名:Alone in Love

主演:孙艺珍 甘宇成 李阵郁 李荷娜 文晶熙 




《恋爱时代》是16集浪漫爱情剧,讲述20多岁的夫妻离婚后但无法忘却对方的故事。   孙艺珍重返荧幕在剧中扮演20多岁年轻离婚女人,游泳运动员出身的健身教练“恩湖”一角,与扮演前丈夫一角,在书店工作的甘宇成演对手戏。两人虽然已经离婚,但仍牵扯在彼此的生活中,经常有意无意的见面,甚至互相给对方介绍异性……,双方这种特殊的关系不仅给他们自己,也给周围的人造成了很多困挠。This is the story of two ordinary people who meet and fall in love, marry and divorce, but are unable to move on from that point, because their love did not end when they separated. Eun-Ho and Dong-Jin meet one day at the bookstore where he works at and they're immediately drawn to each other. They fall in love after subsequent meetings, and the two are married like millions of others who are in similar situations. But two years later they are divorced, and that's where the story opens. A pair of divorcées sitting across from each other talking about each other's lives. There's nothing about them that stands out from the crowd. They have ordinary jobs, he works at a bookstore and she at the fitness club. Neither is extremely good-looking, nor rich, nor charismatic. But there is something different about them, and as the story reveals the reasons behind their divorce, their continuing meetings after divorce, their mingling in each other's lives, their matchmaking attempt for each other, and their internal monologues about each other, it becomes apparent they are each other's destiny if such thing exists. But even so, getting back together might be asking too much, since that would open up a wound that they've tried to bury for three years. Furthermore their new love-interests, Mi-Youn and Hyeon-Joong are marking their steps into Dong-Jin and Eun-Ho's lives, and the new love might just be a wiser option for two that have tried but failed already. In fact, Hyeon-Joong may have more things in common with Eun-Ho than she ever did with Dong-Jin, and Mi-Youn seems to need Dong-Jin more than Eun-Ho ever did, this alone might be enough for the pair of divorcées to finally cut the tie between them.