本来在看《私授课程 Élève Libre》刚看开头,就看不下去了,有个声音在催我换了它!

“新年前夕有人被谋杀了,而头号嫌疑犯是一个家庭主妇VALERIE MAAS,她也是个虔诚的基督教徒。与此同时她发现自己的丈夫有着双重身份,而且多年来同时过着另一种生活。当她丈夫的这一切背叛行为被揭露后,来自各方面的威胁破坏着她的一切,她必须清醒的面对自己以后的生活,用她那坚毅的性格和虔诚的宗教信仰支撑下去。”



Cover 英文里有掩盖的意思,同时,基督教里也常用基督耶稣的宝血来Cover我们的罪!所以,看完这部片子,才觉得名字--一语双关!既有软弱人自以为对的遮掩,也有受伤后求主耶稣的宝血来洗尽我们的罪和涂抹我们的意思。而中文翻译为“致命掩护”可能还是考虑票房的商业动机;总以为这是部警匪片!





玛斯发现她的丈夫,在酒店里和她认识的另外一个男人在同浴后,伤心欲绝;之前她还在团契中求问丈夫为何总是找借口不到教会!之后,她万念俱灰地回到家后,把看的到的一切都统统摔在地上,包括床头的十字架! 之后酗酒消愁。

Q:No huggin'. No preaching'.
A:Someone told me a story, once about a blind girl..
who hate herself just because she was blind.
she hate everyone,except her loving boyfriend.
He was always there for her,She said that if she
could only see the world...
she would marry her boyfriend.
One day,someone donated a pair of eyes to her.
Then she could see everything,including her boyfriend.
He asked her,"Now that you can see the world.
Will you marry me?"
The girl was shocked when she saw that he was blind,too
and refused to marry him.
Her boyfriend walked away in tears.
And later wrote a letter to her saying...
"Just take care of my eyes,dear."

Q:Who am I supposed to be,the blind girl?
A:You were the blind girl.
Q: Can a blind girl get a drink?

Q:Don't preach at me. I already been saved.
I am a saved woman.I have prayed and I have prayed.
You see these scars on my knees? That's from praying.
B:Valerie,once you start feeling sorry for yourself,
you give away your power.
Q:what power? God ain't listening to me. 什么力量?上帝听过我的呼求了吗?
B:Stop giving Satan the glory. 不要把这荣耀归给撒旦!
Q:I have been everything God asked me to be.
I have been a good wife. I have been a good mother.
Every Sunday I make sure I'm in somebody's church.
And I take my family with me.
I saved myself for my husband.I saved my body for
my husband.And I have never,ever,ever thought
about cheating on him.And I did these things not only
because I loved Dutch,but because I loved God.
B: You think you're the first woman who's ever been
betrayed be her husband?
Q:I wasn't just betrayed by my husband.
I was betrayed by God.
B: God didn't betrayed you,baby.
As Christians,we all have our cross to bear.
Jesus is bearing the cross. You gonna make
him bear it alone?

You don't put your family in danger. 你不该拿你的家人去冒险!

Q:I don't know why I am here.
A:Then get on your knees,and don't get off
until you've found the answer.
Q:You judging me?
What happened to judge not lest ye be judged?
What happened to that?
A:I 'm not judging you,son.
I do have a question.Are you saying that
what you did was right?
Q:No. I'm not saying I was right.
But maybe I did the best I could.
A: You believe that?
How far you think that's gonna fly with the Lord?
It's cruel and selfish to bring a possible death sentence..
to those you say you love for a few moments...
of lust and pleasure.
Q:You think I don't know that?
Yeah, I'm a coward..
and I'm afraid..
What would have happened if I'd been honest?
I'll be lost,I'd be called a sinner.
A homo,A fag. Do you know how hypocritical that is...
when you look at the D.L. Brothers in your own congregation?
A:Are you suggesting that the imperfection of the sinner
in my church. is the reason you betrayed your wife and child?
I'm used to people lying to me,son.
You're lying to yourself.That's the worst of it.
Q:we both know that if I'd been honest,I'd have lost everything. 谁都清楚,说实话就会失去一切!
A:I hate to break the news to you,son, You lost everything. 让我直说吧!你的一切早已失去了
Q:Except what?
A: Redemption! 除非你愿意接受救赎!
God don't hold grudges. His hand is always stretch out to us 神从不嫌弃,他始终在那,伸出双
whether we're riding the chariots of grace or crushed beneath
the wheels. He's there! He's there waiting for you.
The longer you wait the harder it's gonna be. 你越迟疑等待,就越难回转了!
But you have to call. Just call him, son 所以,你必须呼求祂!孩子,
Call Him now. 照做吧!最好现在就开始!



另外:影片里出现多次世俗社会常提到的那句:THIS IS WHO I AM ! 我就是我!的名言。





主演:Razaaq Adoti 

导演:Bill Duke