Director:Peter Jackson

Key Roles:Members of the fellowship of the ring:Frodo, Sam, Pipin, Merry, Arogorn, Boromir, Gandalf, Legolas, Gimli,Bilbo Baggins, vicious wizard-Saruman, king of the Revendell—Elrond , princess Arwen, lord and lady of Cares Galaton:Celeborn and Galadreil, Sauren and Gollum.

The story starts from anelaboration which introduces the origins of the forging of great rings probably by Galadreil, three were given to the elves, seven to the dwarfsand nine to the human. TheMaster Ring were made by the Dark Lord Sauren in the Mount Doom of the land of Mordorto rule all great rings. Elves and man formed an alliance to fight against the dark army. The king of Gondor, Isildur cut off the arm of Sauren and took away the ring. But his heart was corrupted and was not willing to destroy it, which caused his death eventually. The ring sunk into the waterand remained untouched for 2500 years until Gollum found it. It also woke up the immortal Sauren. Bilbo Baggins stole the ring from Gollum and took it back to Shire for 60 years, which also delayed his aging process due to the power of the ring. However the ring was still seen by the Ball of Truth and caused the chase by black knights. With the help of Gandalf the Grey, Bilbo’snephew, Frodo,carried the burden of taking it away. So he headed toward Francing Pony with other three dwarfs: Sam, Pipin, Merry. The Strider Arogorn rescued them in the hotel. However Frodo still got stabbed by the Morgul blade and only the king of the elves could save him. Meanwhile Gandalf was controlled and imprisoned by the vicious wizard Saruman, and Saruman was making Wraith in quantity. The princess of Revendell Arwen and the lover of Arogorn came in time to help and brought them to Revendell.

In Revendell, represents of all racescame by the summon of the lord Elrond. In this urgent moment, Frodo volunteered to take the master ring to mordor and the the dwraf Gimli,the princess Legolas, the noble knight Boromir, the heir of Isildur(AKA the Elessar) Aragorn agreed to guard and protect him to Mordor. Saruman hindered them on the way through the pass of Caradhras and they were forced to go through the Mines of Moria, which produces mithril and where the Shadow and Flame lives. Gandalf fell into the abyss while fighting with Flame.

Their journey went on and they were invited to the Cares Galaton, the lady of the Galadreil gave them some gifts and saw them off sailing to Modor. They combated with ring wraiths while passing through the Falls of Rauros. Aragorn determined not to trespass the land of Gondor for he distrusted his people. Boromir died in defending Frodo from the wraith, even though he tried to grab the master ring from Frodo. Frodo realized the deceptive power of the ring and determined to enter the Modor alone. Sam followed him.

It is a wonderful film with excellent storyline and fabulous characters. Frodo is a kind and brave boy. Even though he had never been out of Shire, he firmly took the ring out of Shire to protect his people from the black knights, so as Sam, Pipin and Merry. The design of this character is quite simple, pure but smart.

Gandalf is the embodiment of justice. He is a wizard, but not in high level, regarding his grey gown, inferior to Saruman the White. He was weak fighting against Saruman and was unable to see the betrayal of him. He is not perfect but on the right way.

Aragorn is self-denial because of his identity of the heir of the corrupted king Isildur. He traveled amid middle-earth, can speak the language of elves(probably out of his elfish lover Arwen). He also passed through the test of the delusion. It is likely that he will take the throne of Gondor. Though, the lady of Galadreil mentioned that they shall never see each other again. I thought he would die this time, but it turns out that Boromir died.

Actually, I appreciate the personality of Boromir. He cares for people and love them deeply. As soon as he knew Aragorn is the heir of the Isildour, he admitted him as his lord. He is a noble and brave knight. He was tempted once by the master ring, but still sacrifice to protect Pipin and Merry. He even apologized to Aragorn. His words impressed me “I would have followed you, my brother, my captain, my king”. He was still mumbling “our people”when he was dying. Sword on his hand, he is a noble man and true knight and died with glory.

Legolas stands for a race of elves for sure. But not much introduction is mentioned here. He is handsome(All the elves are either handsome or beautiful.), brave, righteous, but looks not very smart(or we may call it straight).

Nine members of the fellowship looks like a bang of five elites protecting a less useful but chosen one and three simpleminded children. Gimli, is theroyal lineageof dwarfs, Aragorn is the heir of the throne, Boromir, the son of the former ruler of Gondor, Gandalf, a grey gown wizard with strong power. The chosen one, Frodo also has complicated background if we take Bilbo Baggins’background into consideration.

What we can learn from this film is that: With the help of the elites, one can better achieve his goal; Stay true and kind, one can get good result, otherwise it may lead to ruin;Sometimes, you can only trust yourself, even a noble man may be corrupted; Someone may look stupid, they probably can be the one with you to the end.

指环王1:护戒使者The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring(2001)

又名:指环王1:魔戒再现 / 指环王I:护戒使者 / 魔戒首部曲:魔戒现身 / 魔戒1:护戒联盟

上映日期:2002-04-04(中国大陆) / 2021-04-16(中国大陆重映) / 2001-12-19(美国)片长:179分钟

主演:伊利亚·伍德 西恩·奥斯汀 伊恩·麦克莱恩 维果·莫腾森  

导演:彼得·杰克逊 编剧:弗兰·威尔士 Fran Walsh/Philippa Boyens/彼得·杰克逊 Peter Jackson/托尔金 J.R.R. Tolkien
