

1.Where sin abounded,grace bounded much more.罪在哪里显多,恩典就更多了。罗马书5:20.

2.Ashley:You go ahead and do it if you want,but I won't.你想吸的话你就吸吧,我不吸.

3."He doesn't want you to worry about or covet abilities you don't have.Instead,he wants you focus on talents he has given you to use.When you attempt to serve God in ways you're not shaped to serve."他不愿你垂涎所没有的才能或为此担忧。乃是要你专注于他所给你去使用的才干。

4."Fear is a self-imposed prison that will keep you from becoming what God intends for you to be."恐惧是自制的牢笼,使你不能成为上帝计划中的人."You must move against it,and weapons of faith and love."

5.The Bible sais,"well-formed love banishes fear."

6."Job said,my life drags by,day after hopeless day."我的生活被日复一日的绝望拖动."And I give up,I'm tired of living.Leave me alone,my life makes no sense.The greatest tragedy is not death,but life without purpose."

6."We were made to have meaning,A young man in his twenties wrote,I feel like a failure,because I'm struggling to become something and I don't even know what it is.All I know how to do is to get by."只能过一天算一天."Someday,if I discover my purpose,I'll feel I'm beginning to live."

7."When life has meaning,you can bear almost anything.Without it,nothing is bearable."

8.Ashley:There is purpose in your life.It's time.是时间.Do the right thing,Brian.

9.I was trying to have some hope,yeah.我当时是想有点希望,没错.

10.作者:You don't have to be perfect to be used by God.If God only use perfect people,nothing would get done.
No matter how bad your problem is,God's purpose is bigger.In that,everybody's looking for hope.在那里,所有人都找到了希望.
The book is about hope.Because when people are going through a crisis,they're looking for hope.But,绝望是最大的希望.




主演:凯特·玛拉 大卫·奥伊罗 迈克尔·肯尼斯·威廉姆斯 米密·罗 

导演:杰瑞·詹姆森 编剧:布莱恩·伯德 Brian Bird/阿什利·史密斯 Ashley Smith