看着Sam在Shanghai因为各种原因的磕磕碰碰连他自己都说“I am totally out of my element here” 就像我自己的那段还没结束的异国求学经历一样: Culture shocks, languages differences, try to fit in, etc.
说起那些culture shocks, 在电影里Sam也同样提到了那些看似小小的事情 “I know it‘s little, but I'm used to doing things my way. Now I have to think about it..." 这活生生是我的写照啊。不论说话、做事什么的,都要反反复复去想,去思考,有时候甚至都不知道怎么办了,然后就行动,然后就诶I just screw that up
我觉得整部电影的最引起我共鸣的就是接下来那位金发碧眼的上海通Amanda说得那句“At least you know how your parents felt. They are immigrants, right? Well, at some point they moved to a foreign country for better jobs and better life, and they figured it out. We Americans like to call ourselves 'expats', but the fact of the matter is, we're immigrants.”