Edmund Reid: Obituary
London will remember him for this, that he was the detective who alongside detective inspector Frederick Abberline, led the persuit of the man we at the Star named "Jack the Ripper". But whilst his streets might, in the years since have found some measure of recovery, it is this obituarist's fear that Edmund Reid did not. If there is justice where he now walks,it might be that the care which he wore so heavily will be lifted from him. Those who knew him, those who did not, those who may have only seen him stride passed in pursuit of whatever villainy beset him that day, he might offer a prayer for him, and this might be our prayer for peace ,for his peace.
We,the children of the East ,of the docksides, highways, rookeries, and laneways, we pray for the peace of Edmund Reid.



开膛街 第三季Ripper Street(2014)

又名:喋血街头 第三季

主演:马修·麦克费登 杰罗姆·弗林 亚当·罗森博格 

导演:汤姆·森兰 安迪·威尔逊 编剧:Richard Warlow