这部剧从我的大学生涯伴随我到phd毕业。从2013年首播到2020目前第七季因为疫情暂停拍摄。“据维基介绍,本季第21和22集因大流行暂停拍摄,本集暨第20集成为第七季实际(de facto)小结局。” (感谢@Lowborn Archie 老师提供的信息) 从最初的的双女主+一帮小演员,到现在"姐妹会"组织成员稳定,个人的观感是:质量稳定,笑料优秀且充足,演员之间化学反应很好, 里面的台词对白插科打诨,各种梗接slang,层出不穷 。ps: 再次感谢@Lowborn Archie 老师一直默默更新剧集信息!
补充说明:我英语水平很差,看剧之前先看标题,感觉就像进行treasure hunt。很多内容只是根据剧情提及而整理罗列,掺杂大量私货,仅供参考哈。
首先用数据说话,本剧IMDb的每集review打分人数一般在107~186之间,呈现整体下降的趋势,毕竟很少有剧集观影人数逆向上涨。单集得分在7.8~8.3这个区间,所以我觉得可能我去论证某一集内容很好的p value都不到0.05,所以都在淡逼。评论区有观众觉得这个剧失去了标题意义,内容质量在下降。但是IMDb的数据,目前总均分7.2, 我观察S6,S7稳定在单季接近8分,个人感觉越来越好看,希望继续续订下去。在一个TBBT,摩登家庭等各种情景类喜剧都完结的情况下,本剧是我很看好的。
S7E1: 奥黛丽·赫本和墨西哥辣椒 Audrey Hepburn and a Jalepeño Pepper
剧情简介: While Bonnie struggles to enjoy her perfect honeymoon with Adam, Christy makes some questionable changes at the bar while they're away. 1. Bonnie和Adam去度蜜月 2. Christy接管了Adam的酒吧 3. Bonnie在异地的互助会上认识了Patty,并成为了她的sponsor
标题梗: 1. Audrey Hepburn 出自本集中段,Bonnie在车上吐槽Adam的墨镜像奥黛丽赫本,然后Adam说送Bonnie去meeting之后吃午餐,被Bonnie连招吐槽蒂凡尼早餐“Breakfast at Tiffany's”。(按照rap的t语法,Bonnie算不算双押?)2. a Jalepeño Pepper, 墨西哥辣椒,不过我看漏了(欢迎补充)。
本集精彩的笑点:Bonnie丰富的心理活动,1. 嘲讽Adam hideous ladies eyewear and book chuckler (招谁惹谁了) 2. 马巧丽的话“you have alcoholism here, you have alcoholism there, you have alcoholism everywhere” (想到披头士的那首歌,"here, there and everywhere")
酒瘾者互助会宗旨: “Make sure you go to a meeting”
克里斯蒂自我"吐槽":“Visa recently invited me to stop using my credit card”
S7E2: 爹爹和美洲狮 Pop Pop and a Puma
剧情简介: Christy and Adam clash over an incident at the bar, leaving Bonnie in a precarious situation. Also, Jill's new boyfriend, Andy, has trouble finding a way to impress her. 1. 餐桌上6姐妹的话题集中在Wendy的脏辫上 2. Jill虐暴整个gym的男士, ba-bam! 3.Christy和Adam因为bar的问题吵架
标题梗:1. Pop Pop位于本集开头,克里斯蒂逗刚蜜月回来的两人 by calling Adam各种dad, daddy, poppy。“Toying with the emotions of someone who always wanted a father”主角们吐槽能力各个max 2. puma我看漏了,不过感觉应该还是用来形容运动力max的Jill。
本集的一个点:克里斯蒂在跟温蒂疯狂吐槽她妈,并且服务员给她上错了菜,服务员问她"how's everything", "amazing, thank you" 这种看似虚伪的对话包含了一种对待服务人员的态度,"that's how you treat a waitress" 包括给小费的文化和对不熟的人一概good, thank you的回答,是东西方文化差别的缩影。(个人感觉,不喜勿喷) ps. paintball 近距离打在身上真的疼。
S7E3: 山羊奶酸奶和充足停车位 Goat Yogurt and Ample Parking
剧情简介: Christy is asked to perform questionable tasks for her demanding new boss, Veronica, and Bonnie has second thoughts about taking Adam's last name. 1.克里斯蒂咖啡加红牛,来应对Criminal Mind里的女boss。 此处quote Archie在E13的留言 “律所老板回《犯罪心理》继续领导BAU去了,之前说过律所快不行了 ”。懂梗的自然能看懂,略过。 2. 6姐妹去大ma店帮Veronica取大ma 3. 克里斯蒂和维罗妮卡互扇耳光
标题梗:1. Goat Yogurt看漏了,好像是Veronica让Christy准备的酸奶? 2. Ample Parking 是Adam电话问Bonnie在社保办公室的遭遇如何的时候,Bonnie的回答。
关于写梗: 从克里斯蒂的law school到"Supreme Court justice", "they seem okay with alcoholics now"这一句我感觉是讽刺某个新任大法官有酒瘾问题?(未考证),"so I could actually have a shot" 字面意思,我有机会,第二层 have a shot有喝酒的意思,对应克里斯蒂的身份,对应中文里的双关。
S7E4: 翻转人偶和下流家伙 Twirly Flippy Men and a Dirty Bird
剧情简介: Christy escorts a reluctant Chef Rudy to court-ordered AA meetings. Also, Bonnie attempts to make Adam feel more at home in the apartment. 1. 克里斯蒂带大厨鲁迪参加酒瘾者互助会 2. Adam要求在婚姻中有自己的私人空间和Bonnie狠吵了一架 3. 六姐妹在约饭的时候谈起每个人的第一次AA meeting
标题梗:1. a Dirty Bird 这个词Bonnie用来形容打探她性生活的Wendy 2.Twirly Flippy Men 出自Jill用来形容桌上足球的小人偶。
关于Willy Wonka, Adam用里面的人物“Augustus Gloop”来形容偷吃他巧克力的Bonnie。听到Willy Wonka首先想到查理的巧克力工厂,查了下资料竟然 原著竟然早在1971年就被拍成了电影《歡樂糖果屋》 。至于Augustus Gloop,至于是不是Nazi 没有印象没有考证.
车上Jill还在讲NM (Neiman Marcus)的更衣室,现在NM都要破产了,感慨啊。
S7E5: 伪培根和杀死咱们所有人的计划 Fake Bacon and a Plan to Kill All of Us
剧情简介: Christy gets a new challenge at her work, and more is revealed about Wendy.
S7E6: 威利狼和装逼犯 Wile E. Coyote and a Pretentious Douche
剧情简介: Christy tries to embrace positivity after having a meltdown. Also, Bonnie gets a glimpse of what Adam was like before his accident. 1.Christy在女上司长期的高压下情绪崩溃,但是被一句加薪治愈。 2. Bonnie看到了Adam身体健全时的录影带,AB之间产生了误解,但是被心理咨询师治愈。
标题梗:"Wile E. Coyote 是邦妮和亚当看威利狼坠崖动画时拿他的坠崖意外开玩笑;a Pretentious Douche 我忘了啥语境了。 "(我猜后者是Bonnie在喷别人)

亮点: Bonnie和心理咨询师之间的solo,真是太搞笑了 (补充:心理咨询师是一个重要的角色,后面会多次出现)。PSY101:不说话盯着对方直到对方憋不住先说 。
S7E7: 上肩肉和商场散步族 Pork Butt and a Mall Walker
剧情简介: Bonnie and Adam go on a double date with Jill and Andy. Also, Tammy recruits Christy to mediate a sensitive situation with Marjorie.
S7E8: 热黄油和恶毒自恋者 Hot Butter and Toxic Narcissism
剧情简介: Christy regrets fleeing the scene after hitting a parked car. Also, Bonnie's therapist, Trevor, offers tools to help her better communicate with Adam. 1. Christy各种撞车。 2. Bonnie继续婚姻咨询。
S7E9: 翡冷翠式吞拿鱼和干净交接 Tuna Florentine and a Clean Handoff
剧情简介: Christy and the ladies rally around Tammy when she has trouble adjusting to early release from parole. Also, Bonnie is disappointed when her perfect birthday gift for Adam gets a lukewarm response. 1. Tammy迎来自由,开始放飞自我。 2. Bonnie给马龙探员买了个夹克。
标题梗:Tuna Florentine是Tammy喂猫的罐头的口味,a Clean Handoff(求科普)。 Archie老师补充:“ 标题:①猫罐头口味“翡冷翠式XX”粗暴来讲就是土豆(泥)+XX;②clean handoff常见含义是橄榄球比赛中干脆利索的递传,但这里指的是“坛蜜”这次见假释官递交尿样时没有洒出来,“clean”. ” 把Tammy翻译成坛蜜,瞬间有画面感了,哈哈哈哈。
S7E10: 乱七八糟和猫展 Higgledy-Piggledy and a Cat Show
剧情简介: Bonnie is forced to relive painful Christmas memories when Christy recounts tales from her childhood to Bonnie's sponsee, Patty.
在北美一个人过圣诞的我竟然想加入moms的圣诞歌大队。。。 (这剧当时写的,结果就是疫情到现在)
S7E11: 微小切口和棺材裙 One Tiny Incision and a Coffin Dress
剧情简介: Christy and Bonnie help Tammy with a difficult decision when her long-lost aunt, Cookie, appears with a surprising proposition. 本集出现了重要人物坛蜜的阿姨,曲奇饼女士。Tammy从未谋面的阿姨Cookie出现,一番热切交谈之后,Cookie道明了自己的来意就是要Tammy的肾。在内心挣扎和朋友的安慰下,Tammy原谅了这个骗子阿姨并准备捐出自己的一个肾。此时的Tammy明白,她的家人是4姐妹,而不是so-called Auntie Cookie.
标题梗:1. a Coffin Dress 语境出自Jill开玩笑说自己死后捐献器官那样自己在棺材里更瘦了。
S7E12: 傻饰边和抑郁花园小矮人 Silly Frills and a Depressed Garden Gnome
剧情简介: Christy and Bonnie support Marjorie when she attempts to reconnect with her estranged son. Also, Tammy sees another side of Jill while working as her employee. 克里斯蒂和邦妮帮助马娇丽重新建立了和她儿子一家的关系。塔米在帮吉尔做架子/壁橱的过程中发现了吉尔的另一面,并成功劝说其对待雇员更好一些。
标题梗:Silly Frills “吉尔嫌弃坛蜜后来做的几个墙架有傻饰边纹路。”,A Depressed Garden Gnome出现在Bonnie形容等着儿子家门口Marjorie的话里。

Thank you, Thank you 洗脑。
S7E13: 该死桑德拉和维京祖先 Dammit Sandra and Viking Ancestors
剧情简介: Christy is troubled when sparks fly between Tammy and Chef Rudy. Also, Bonnie overreacts when her therapist, Trevor, accuses her of rejecting his help. Tammy和大厨鲁迪短暂恋爱并分手,Bonnie和心理咨询师Trevor的各种互怼,搞笑日常。
标题梗:1. Damn it, Sandra出现在开头,给Bonnie做心理咨询的Trevor吐槽ex-wife。“You only took it to hurt me”. 2. Viking Ancestors出现在Tammy和Chef Rudy约会的时候,a savory aebleskive.
S7E14: 切德奶酪和松鼠马戏团 Cheddar Cheese and a Squirrel Circus
剧情简介: After a successful kidney transplant surgery, Bonnie is concerned that Tammy's Aunt Cookie is taking her second chance for granted. Also, Christy tries to track down a handsome stranger she believes is her soulmate. Bonnie把肾捐给她姨Cookie的手术很顺利,但是Cookie各种吸烟喝酒糟蹋Tammy的肾,引起了群情激愤,as below这个评论区。Christy又开始花痴了,一见钟情结果是一厢情愿,人家married,gay,dont speak english。
标题梗:1. Cheddar Cheese出现在片头,配合diet math的梗。2. a Squirrel Circus出现在Aunt Cookie对Tammy回忆其母亲的话语里,“she decided she wanted to have a squirrel circus”.
本季Christy的人设成了“needy”的女士,各种花痴可以总结成语录,剧透一下季末还有I kissed a girl。
S7E15: 某人祖母和一线名单 Somebody's Grandmother and the A-List
剧情简介: Christy helps Marjorie prepare for her first date since her husband's passing. Also, Bonnie's friendship with Jill is put to the test when a past indiscretion resurfaces. Marjorie 重回情场,Christy迷上老年服饰,Bonnie请求Jill原谅自己从前的偷窃罪过,Jill成功杀回the A-list.
标题梗: 1. Somebody's Grandmother出现在后半段,Bonnie为了弥补偷Jill的银餐具,去SF买了一些银餐具, belonged to someone's grandmother. 2.the A-List出现在Bonnie去Jill家坦白自己的偷窃罪过,Jill讲述自己host the charity part的目的,and kids of course.
PS: 一直以为标题里的内容是按照出现顺序排序,但是这一集显然不是。
S7E16: 朱迪·加兰和性感巨魔娃娃 Judy Garland and a Sexy Troll Doll
剧情简介: Bonnie helps Christy gain perspective as she considers a life-changing decision. Also, Jill fears she's running out of time to have a baby and consults a fertility doctor. Jill更年期想生娃,冻卵却失败。
标题梗: 1. Judy Garland出现在后半段,Andy对Jill说花裙子的她,"I'm dating Judy Garland",想到今年奥斯卡影后的Judy Garland还没有看哈哈哈哈 2.a Sexy Troll Doll 被我看漏了, Archie老师补充了 ②邦妮与亚当想象生儿子时互怼,说他发型像sexy Troll Doll. (我一直以为troll都是wow里那个造型,没想到这个doll也叫troll doll,神奇 )
私货:恭喜Judy喜提奥斯卡最佳女主, [Renée Zellweger] 真的是令人感慨。
S7E17: 牛肉熏肠丹和反讽否定 Beef Baloney Dan and a Sarcastic No
剧情简介: Bonnie suspects that Adam's sponsor has an ulterior motive. And Christy is caught in the middle when Tammy plays hard to get with Chef Rudy.
标题梗:1. a Sarcastic No,出现在本集刚开始Adam和Bonnie literally开车,“Was that a genuine No or a sarcastic No ?” 2. Beef Baloney Dan出现在后面的车程上,Adam说起自己被the guy at the deli一直叫成 “Beef Baloney Dan”,总结:一个定要在对的时间及时纠正错误 correct a mistake at the right window。
精彩的句子:"Who is hotter than me? Me, who smokes." 本集中心思想,how to play hard to get in love as a game.
BONNIE: So the "antha" is silent.
S7E18: 一脸鄙夷和你奶奶的抽屉 A Judgy Face and Your Grandma's Drawers
剧情简介: Christy, Bonnie and the ladies step in to help when Marjorie babysits her granddaughter for the first time, on the 150th episode. (本集为本剧开播以来的第150集)
标题梗: 本集是moms轮流带娃,1. Your Grandma's Drawers (and closets)出现在Bonnie带着小baby看了一圈Marjorie的房子; 2. A Judgy Face紧跟着出现在Bonnie开车的过程中,"Don't look at me with that judgy face".
S7E19: 得州皮特和停车场狂欢节 Texas Pete and a Parking Lot Carnival
剧情简介: Bonnie worries about her therapist, Trevor, when his life hits a serious rough patch. Also, Christy comes to Marjorie's aid when she has trouble adjusting to a new job. Trevor(前面提到的心理医生)精神崩溃但被Bonnie和她的朋友们治愈了。 Marjorie成了中餐馆外卖员。
标题梗:a Parking Lot Carnival出现在Moms的聚餐上,Tami说到parole officer那里受欢迎的工作有ticket-taker at a parking lot carnival. 2. Texas Pete hot sauce 这么有名我竟然没吃过,下次试试!
S7E20: 生怜大眼和古董热狗 Big Sad Eyes and an Antique Hot Dog
剧情简介: The ladies' friendships are tested when they live in close quarters during a sober retreat.本集ladies集合去了个sober度假村,结果是一个非常灾难的经历。
标题梗:1. big sad eyes 形容Christy撒娇时候的小狗眼,2. a Wrinkled Hot Dog 大概是形容Wendy在加油站买的59美分热狗。
S7E21-22: 平行时空下的2020 Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
剧情简介: 如果2020有一个平行时空,那里没有新冠疫情,极品老妈也播出了E21-22。

极品老妈 第七季Mom(2019)

又名:老妈 / 母亲大人

主演:安娜·法瑞丝 艾莉森·珍妮 米密·肯尼迪 贝丝·霍尔 杰米· 

导演:詹姆斯·维度斯 编剧:杰玛·贝克 Gemma Baker/艾迪·戈罗杰茨基 Eddie Gorodetsky/查克·罗瑞 Chuck Lorre