I've played the idea to have gone with you for countless times
I believed I had In fact, I, in this world, is another me
Who played my role of mourners,daughter and friend
The only three roles I cared about
The real me is with you somewhere
We would be together We would never be apart
Was the thought you held like the "Inception"
Was I "Cobb" to you
who planted the idea that lead to your death eventually
I keep telling myself I have more important things to do
But 5 years I have accomplished nothing
Lost track of time while regretting and blaming
What really matters to me
used to be you
But now you are gone
I don't give a damn about anything any more
Death exists, not on the other end, but a part of life
And you have been a part of me for my whole life
Maybe there's just no place for anyone else
I don't wanna you get too crowded
I'll come to find you one day
Z.J.,I knew it's too late now but I have to ask
would you take a leap of faith for me?
Tell me in my dream this early dawn
Kiss you goodnight~~wait up
P.S. written on the day I missed my B.A. graduation ceremony. Instead, went to swim with E,L and TT. Well, to hell with it, it's just not even close to what I cared. Little bit of upset about the 100 bucks I will never see again. It's not worth it even in the end. Mission accomplished so perfectly in the end. What a pathetic loser.