
INCEPTION(国译:奠基/盗梦空间,港译:潜行凶 间)在香港上映一段时间了,该片感觉上是MATRIX和OCEAN ELEVEN的综合体,加上些许EVA的混沌开放式结局。建议没有看过的筒子们,如果要阅读以下内容一定要三思再三思,看过剧情讨论后影片观赏度会大大打 折。



基本上,最让人纠结的是结局!看到电影结束时,有观众愤而离场,可能是认为结局指整部影片是个梦境,所以出离愤怒。不过,其实对于结局有百般议论,各有各的理解。应该说,该片没有真正意义上解开谜团,而确是故意留了个开放式结局,你可以认为是happy ending,也可以认为依然是梦境,全权由观众自行解读。



Why is Saito so much older than Cobb when Cobb visits him in limbo?

The reason that Saito appears to be so much older than Cobb when they are in limbo is because of the time. Saito entered limbo before Cobb and due to the fact that time moves differently in limbo, this means that although Saito only entered limbo a short time before Cobb did, he will still appear much older since time moves at a different rate depending on how far down you are.

Although it doesn’t look it, the script says that Cobb has also aged slightly when he goes to visit Saito. Cobb technically spent years looking for Saito in limbo. This is why he looks so dazed and confused when he finally finds Saito. He is only able to remember Saito’s name at first, but after talking with Saito, the two start to remember everything.

影片开场其实揭示整个inception任务最后的结局如何,一 直看到最后我才不得不拼命去回想这一幕。当Cobb找到Saito时,Saito已经年迈到满脸褶子,而Cobb却只是老上几年而已(发鬓有些变白)。由于看任务时,Saito在Level 3雪山军事基地时已经死掉陷入Limbo,而Cobb却是其数分钟后才进入Limbo,按照时间转换原则,的确可能Saito比他多过了几十年。

另外要在注意的是,Saito在Limbo状态下俨然创造了一个他的世界。这个世界和Cobb欲偷取Saito机密那个任务时所设定的梦中梦场景非常相像, 无论那个梦境是谁的,我们有理由怀疑那是让Saito无法辨认真伪的梦境,即使说和他日常生活比较接近。那是否在Limbo状态下的这个梦境,Saito 用了他的记忆来创造世界,从一个侧面质疑他已经无法辨别现实和梦境了。


What was Arthur doing in the elevator scene?

Arthur was trying to deliver a kick to the team. He was unable to use gravity and he had to improvise and use the elevator shaft to create the same feeling that a kick would provide. He synced the charges with the other kicks that were going on in the level above.

The loss of gravity was due to the van in the level above falling off the bridge. The feeling of falling transferred over into the second level and therefore it seemed as if there was no gravity in the hotel. By setting off the explosive, Arthur improvises so that the people in the lift will feel a force, equal to the force of gravity. They will experience a falling sensation from the explosion.

By disconnecting the elevator from the cables and using an explosion to propel it, it is propelled as if there were gravity.

Level 2的Kick看的我很迷惑,一开始Arthur在房间下放了定时炸弹,等待Level 3的Kick唤醒众人后,利用爆炸时将众人摔到下层房间而完成Kick。但是由于Level 1的Kick是货车从几十米高的桥上掉入水面,在降落的过程中,Level 2受影响而完全处于失重状态。Arthur认为即使爆炸后,因为失重众人并不会有freefall,而是漂浮在房间里无法醒来。所以他临时将众人转移至电梯里,利用爆炸威力推电梯,使众人受到撞击而完成Kick。这个设定,其实只要爆炸的力度够,在房间里还是电梯里其实都可以完成,炸开房间地板应该也会造成冲力,使众人受到Kick。只是,唯一的危险是,如果不小心炸死了其中的成员,在多重梦境下,他们未必会回到Level 1,而是可能陷入Limbo。不过Arthur不是不知道这些吗?

而Arthur作为point man,似乎搞砸了很多任务。他没有查清Fisher受过反盗梦训练,让任务小组由头到尾都在受到Fisher映射的卫兵追杀,导致Saito在 Level 1受到重创最后在Level 3死掉,导致之后所有计划都被严重干扰。另外,看起来他们很清楚Level 1的Kick是货车落水(Yusuf开车到桥面,怎么看都很像一早就计划好的),而Arthur却似乎忘记了考虑失重状态,最后不得不十分幸苦又危险的把众人转移到电梯里。

在整个团队里,似乎只有他(而不是半途被拉进来的女孩Ariadne)犯了这些低级而致命的错误。他真是个被Cobb认为异常出色的point man吗?他是有意犯这些错误的吗?他的设定偏差,是真实的瑕疵,是Cobb的映射,还是导演故意留下的埋线?

What exactly is a kick?

A kick is one way to pull someone out of a dream. Usually a signal will be given to the dreamer to make them aware that a kick is coming.

After the signal is given the kick is performed. A kick is the feeling of falling and this feeling is what wakes you up. For example, when Cobb was sitting on the chair and he was pushed into the bathtub or when Arthur performs the elevator explosion or when Yusuf’s van drops etc. By disrupting the equilibrium of the dreamer you are able to wake them.

Kicks were used a lot in the final sequence and it got a bit confusing. I will attempt to clarify it all by working backwards.

Fischer and Ariadne jumped off the building in level 4. This was the first kick. Since the characters were so far under, they needed two synchronized kicks to boot them out of the level. Note that Cobb, who had already been stabbed at this point, decided to ignore the kick because he wanted to go after Saito in limbo.

After Fischer and Ariadne jump off the building, Eames provides a second kick to both of them by blowing up the compound.

Meanwhile in level 2, Arthur’s elevator explosion pulls all the level 3 characters (Eames, Fischer and Ariadne back to level 2. At the same time, Yusuf’s van hitting the water pulls everyone in level 2, back to level 1. To get from level 1 to reality is the tricky part. There are two possibilities. Some people say they had to wait for the sedatives to wear off and some people say they could just kill themselves and wake up since they were only one level down in the dream.

When the music is played it acts as a cue so the person knows a kick is coming soon. That person would then set up a kick for the people who are asleep in his level (eg: like Arthur did in the hotel).


做梦者需要以一种镇静剂来进入共享梦境,在镇静剂未失效的情况下,为了唤醒N层的人,在N层梦境可以用Kick(使做梦者感受到自由落体)而唤醒他们,但在N+1层就只能靠死亡脱离梦境。简单来说,要主动脱离只能靠死亡, 被动脱离(被旁人唤醒)则可以用Kick。特例是在找回Fisher时,在Level 3时Eames用电击Fisher,同时在Level 4里Ariadne拉着Fisher主动Kick,这样把已经死亡的Fisher从Level 4拉回Level 3。


但是Limbo状态下的情况依旧比较混乱,Cobb所言认识到Limbo世界是假象后自杀可以脱离Limbo,但是很多人质疑片头Saito枪杀了Cobb后,Cobb陷入了更深层的Limbo,而结局是Cobb在Limbo中建立的世 界。我比较偏向该作者的想法,要脱离Limbo状态,必须说服自己这是个虚假世界,而主动离开(自杀,Kick需要上层同时唤醒),如果是相信Limbo 世界而被杀,并不会回到现实,而陷入更深的混沌,并且混沌状态时间无限。

Explain the events that took place during the final sequence.

I personally think that the plane is reality and I am going to base this answer on that fact. Everyone gets on the plane and is connected. It is only once they are connected that the dream starts. The first level is the city streets and Yusuf dreams it. The team kidnaps Robert Fischer and forces him to give them the numbers. They also start to plant the idea in his head that his dad wants him to break up the company.

Now level two begins. Yusef stays awake while the team goes into level two. The second level is the hotel and Arthur dreams it. Here the team tricks Fischer into thinking that Browning is an enemy. Cobb convinces Fischer to come with them to level 3.

Arthur stays awake while everyone goes into level 3. The third level is the snow fortress and Eames dreams it. Fischer is taken to the fortress where hopefully the idea that was planted will take hold. While at the fortress, Mal shoots Fischer and Cobb and Ariadne go into level four to save him.

Eames stays awake and everyone else goes into level 4. Ariadne is able to save Fischer and they both kick themselves back up to level 3. Cobb is the one dreaming in level 4 and eventually he stays back so he can go into limbo to find Saito. While in level 4 Cobb is stabbed by Mal.
After being brought back to level 3, Fischer goes into that room with his dad and that whole scene plays out and the idea takes hold of Fischer’s mind. Shortly after this, all the kicks happen. Saito and Cobb are in limbo but the rest of the group is kicked all the way back up to the top. Once they escape the van, Eames transforms into Browning to see if they got the job done.

Cobb and Saito are currently in limbo at this point. Saito is in limbo because he died from the gunshot. The reason why Cobb is in limbo is because Mal stabs him and he presumably dies and enters Saito’s limbo since he is in shared dreaming with Saito. Since Cobb didn’t die from the stab wound right away he may have been able to kick himself back up but he purposefully missed the kick and stayed back to find Saito.

其实争议最多的就是Limbo层,究竟是一个梦境还是混沌状态,即Level 4(图中的Level 5)是不是Limbo,还是Cobb的梦境。个人偏向于相信Cobb的梦境处于混沌和理性之间,在Level 3他和Ariadne主动进入梦境,在那个梦境里他们找到了Fisher,此时的Fisher事实上在Level 3死亡而陷入Limbo,所以Cobb的梦境可以连接到Limbo,也许因为他去过那里。这里其实很偷换概念,Fisher和Ariadne用Kick离 开梦境,而Cobb被Mal刺伤,没有主动Kick以离开梦境。也许他伤重死去而进入Limbo(则Level 4为Cobb的梦境),也许他没有死却逗留在这里(则这层已经是Limbo),答案不得而知。

So what happened at the end? (选几个我认为可能的答案)

The inception was actually on Cobb

A popular theory is that the film wasn’t about planting an idea in Fishcer’s head, rather it was about planting an idea in Cobb’s head. Think about it, Cobb is racked with guilt and his father-in-law (Michael Caine’s character Miles) knows this. Surely he would want to see his son-in-law get back to normal wouldn’t he?

Could it be that he hired Ariadne, an exceptionally bright and talented architect, to perform inception on Cobb?

Think about it, when Cobb is walking through the airport at the end and sees Miles, Miles says “you’re welcome”. Why would Miles say this? Is he saying it because he has freed Cobb from the guilt and now Cobb can finally get on with his life?

If anyone was capable of performing inception on Cobb it would be Ariadne. She was always eager for more information on Mal and she was the only one who got a look inside Cobb’s mind. She is also the only one who knows about Cobb’s totem and how it works.

Perhaps the inception was on Cobb all along. It was to plant the idea that he wasn’t responsible for Mal’s death and that he could still live a normal and peaceful life if he let go. As for when the inception took place, that’s another story. It could be when Cobb went to try out the drugs in Yusef’s place and everything from there was in his head or it could be that the inception on Fischer was just a cover or an excuse for Ariadne to get into Cobb’s head and perform the inception. An interesting take on this theory can be found here. I’d summarize it but its quite long and this article is already getting a bit too lengthy.

这并非我看完电影后想到的解释,但是目前我比较相信这种说法。结局最末,Cobb终于得以撤销罪名回家看望孩子,那段实在太过匪夷所思。如果Saito拥有一个电话就搞定通缉犯的那种权势,他至于需要Cobb带领整个团队(自己还跟着出生入死)去瓦解一个对手公司吗?而Cobb回到家后,家里摆设丝毫没有改变过,孩子们的动作姿态服侍跟回忆镜头一摸一样,依旧是梦境映射中的朦胧样子,让人不得不质 疑那是不是真实世界。


Cobb的老丈人是个伏笔,他是比Cobb更高明的人物, 他教授了Cobb盗梦等技巧,他介绍了Ariadne给Cobb。而Cobb对这个初初相识的女孩子尤其交心,只有她得以知道他的Totem,只有她分享他的梦境,而她不断的开导他,令他意识到Mal的死责任并不在自己。等到最后Cobb承认自己的inception间接导致了Mal的死亡,是Ariadne射杀了Mal。

让人怀疑的一幕主要来自Miles在机场接机。他满脸欢笑,一副如释重负的样子迎接了Cobb,我们都知道inception任务中Cobb完成了自我救赎,从杀害Mal的负罪感中解脱出来,这也许才是Miles如此释怀的原因。而一直没有参与行动的 Miles又怎会知道Cobb的感受,原因只能是他其实参与了行动,甚至就是他策划了行动,Ariadne也许真是他的forge。

也许最后的ending的确是真实发生过的,Cobb早就回到家中和孩子团聚了。他从来都没有因为Mal的死而遭受过通缉(Mal死前告诉警察受Cobb威胁的设定总有点说不通),但是Miles发现他一直无法从Mal的死中释怀,所以计划了这出inception,目的是把“Cobb不必为Mal的死负疚”这个idea植入他的想法。孩子们嬉戏的镜头其实是已经发生过的事情,Cobb会在梦境中一遍遍看见他们,甚至在最后ending都是如此一幕,是因为此时他仍然在梦境中。但是他这次已经释怀了,再Kick多一次他就能回到现实,并使他带着这个idea回来,可以正常的融入生活中。相信这是个happy ending。

Cobb wakes up at the end and is actually able to return to his kids
Most people still think that the ending is real and Cobb is back in the real world. Think about it, Cobb went into limbo to find Saito. He reminds old Saito of their deal and convinces Saito that this world is a dream and not reality. Since both of them realize that they are dreaming, perhaps they can escape limbo.

When Saito grabs the gun, and presumably kills himself and Cobb, maybe this sends them back to the plane. Or maybe the sedatives wear off by this point and they are able to escape limbo from the gunshot since they are not under sedatives. If in fact the sedatives had worn off and they were just normally dreaming, it would be reasonable to think that they can kick themselves out of limbo and back onto the plane.

The kick would be a straight kick back to the plane since they wouldn’t have to go through the other levels. This is because the other levels had already collapsed so technically they were only one level under.
This theory calls into question the very very end. When Cobb returns home his kids are in the same spot and are wearing the same clothes. Another thing to point out is that the kids haven’t aged at all either, they look the exact same. This leads people to doubt this theory. The people who support it will argue that Nolan just did this to mess with us and to leave the ending open to interpretation. Another thing to point out is that Cobb is only seen wearing his wedding ring in dream scenes, never in reality. At the end of the movie he isn’t wearing the ring, maybe he is in the real world?

支持这个想法的人,多半取信于Cobb的图腾。认为螺旋来自于Mal,所以不能用其分辨真伪世界,而Cobb的 图腾其实是他的婚戒。他只有在梦境中才戴着婚戒,但是现实世界里从不见他戴。而在最后结局时,他并没有戴婚戒,所以认为结局是现实世界。

另 一种说法是,演员表上饰演Cobb和Mal的两个孩子,共有四名演员,年龄相隔有大约两年。于是认为,其实Cobb离开家有两年时间。不过我个人认为,小 婴儿演员是在沙滩上玩沙时,以及Cobb和Mal吵架时的演员,不是说他们在Cobb离家时有成长。

The ending is just a dream and Cobb is still stuck in limbo
The theory I like to go with is that the Cobb is still dreaming at the end and doesn’t escape limbo. A few reasons give this theory validity. Firstly, the whole thing that was mentioned above about the children is a strong point for this theory. Another reason is because at the end, when Cobb spins the top, he just walks away. He doesn’t seem to care whether or not it stops spinning. Perhaps it’s because he knows he is in a dream but he doesn’t care because perhaps this is the only way he can see his kids.

Another reason I think this theory has some validity is because we see Saito pick up the gun at end. I think that when Saito shoots him, instead of going back up to the plane, Cobb enters an even deeper limbo. There is simply no way for Cobb or Saito to return to the plane since they both died while sedated. The very end is just a projection that Cobb created so he could be happy and at peace. By killing Cobb, Saito did complete his end of the deal, Cobb was able to return home to his kids, even if it was in a dream.


估计补完计划什么的是不可能的,各说各有理,100个人心中有 100个哈姆雷特的片子了。


又名:潜行凶间(港) / 全面启动(台) / 奠基 / 心灵犯案 / 记忆迷阵 / 记忆魔方

上映日期:2010-09-01(中国大陆) / 2020-08-28(中国大陆重映) / 2010-07-16(美国)片长:148分钟

主演:莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥 约瑟夫·高登-莱维特 艾利奥特·佩吉  

导演:克里斯托弗·诺兰 编剧:克里斯托弗·诺兰 Christopher Nolan


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