That a person is dead means s/he is socially dead, “the final separation of a person from a human community” (Carey, Communication as Culture).

For living people, all kinds of rituals serve to prolong the death, which can reduce the sharpness of the break between life and death, preserving the continuity of community existence.

But for the dead people, how can they know they are dead already? That is what the movie tries to answer, although not very successfully.


又名:幽灵乘客(港) / 灵异航班(台) / 危险飞行 / 空难乘客


主演:安妮·海瑟薇 帕特里克·威尔森 克里·杜瓦尔 大卫·摩斯  

导演:罗德里戈·加西亚 编剧:Ronnie Christensen


nothing • 迷茫