--Capheus:Faces change,you know?But not the heart.面容会变,但心不会变。
--Hernando:And what was seen,now reveals the seer.你看到的显示出了你的心。
Because the eyes of the beholder find not just beauty they want,but also shallowness,ugliness,confusion,prejudice.因为观看之人不仅会发现他们想看的美,还会看到肤浅、丑陋、困惑、偏见。
Which is to say the beholder will always see what they want to see.也就是说,,你看到的总是你想看到的东西。
--Hernando:Art is love made public.艺术就是被公开的爱。
--Sun:We exist because of sex.It’s not something to be afraid of.It's something to honor.To enjoy.我们因为性而存在。这没什么好怕的。是值得尊重的。去享受吧。
--Mom:Why do you like watching this silly movie every year?你为什么每年都要看这部蠢爆的电影?
--Capheus:I don't know.I guess I like what it believes in.我不知道,可能是我喜欢电影的主题。
--Mom:What does it believe in?什么主题?
--All:I guess who I am is exactly the same as who you are.我想我是谁和你是谁是一个意思。
Not better than .Not less than.不比你好,不比你差。
Because there is no one who has been or will ever be exactly the same as either you or me.因为无论是过去,还是未来,没有和你我一模一样的人
--Jonas:We forget so much more than we remember.我们忘却的远比铭记的多。
Maybe we need to.Maybe that’s what makes it bearable.也许我们需要忘却。也许只有忘却才能让我们减负。
--And now,life is a big trap made up of little traps.现如今,生活就是充满了陷阱的圈套。
If you listen hard,sometimes you could hear them snap shut.如果你仔细听,有时就能听见陷阱猛然关闭的声音。
-Homes are architectural forms of memory.家是回忆的实体建筑。
--Capheus:We say there’s nothing as expensive as being poor.我们都说,没有比贫穷更昂贵的事了。
--Capheus:Life's not just full of surprises.It's also full of gifts.生活不仅充满意外,还有很多上天的恩赐。
--Sun:I don’t think anyone knows what life they will live.我不认为谁能知道自己将来会怎么生活。
That’s what makes life feel alive.这此时生活的意义所在。
--Kala:I know feelings and emotions can overwhelm our logic,and at the same time,logic can ruin the emotions that make life worth living.我知道情感和情绪会打乱我们的逻辑,与此同时,逻辑可以毁掉让生活有价值的情感。
--Kala:I'm not saying it's not natural.我不是说这不自然。
Though,let us remember that cancer is also natural.但是别忘了,得癌症也很自然。
So naturalness in itself should not be considered a virtue.所以,自然不应该被认为是一种美德。
--Hernando:And you’re scared right now because art,like life, full of risk.你现在这么害怕,是因为艺术跟生活一样.....都充满了冒险。
--Hernando:If your dream isn’t worth the risk,what is?如果梦想不值得冒险,那还是梦想吗?
--Capheus:Love is a bridge and not a wall,if we let it be.如果我们放开心胸,爱是桥梁,而不是高墙。
--Capheus:Nothing good ever happens when people care more about our differences than the things we share in common.在人们关心彼此间的差异甚于共同之处时,坏事总会发生。
The future I hope for is the same as yours.我希望的未来与你们一样。
A future where our children grow up never knowing love as a wall,but only as a bridge.希望我们的孩子生长子只知道爱是桥梁,而不用了解爱是高墙的时代。


超感猎杀 第二季Sense8(2017)


主演:裴斗娜 杰米·克莱顿 米格尔·安赫尔·西尔维斯特 蒂娜·德赛 

导演:拉娜·沃卓斯基 莉莉·沃卓斯基 詹姆斯·麦克特格 丹·格拉斯 汤姆·提克威 编剧:拉娜·沃卓斯基 Lana Wachowski/莉莉·沃卓斯基 Lilly Wachowski/J·迈克尔·斯特拉辛斯基 J. Michael Straczynski

超感猎杀 第二季的影评

NAVISsivan_ • /