另,欧美剧的感情线真的太复杂了,这已经是我第二次看到小探长情不自禁得去亲吻一位他明知道已婚的女子……但我仍旧觉得他是个正直的人,真奇怪。 更奇怪的是,我竟然突然明白了为什么有段时间迷恋小雀斑的原因,因为都属于文弱稚拙却宛若赤子的单薄青年,就是很打动我的类型。
—-—-—-—-—-—- —-—-—- —-—-—-—-—
Gotta get that bar we used on the way in. We need something for leverage. I’ll do what I can in the meantime with elbow grease.
You go, I’ll stay.
It’s not a debate. That thing goes off, it could bring the whole bloody place down.
You’ve got something to lose.
Till the end of the week I’m your senior. So, get. Go on!
真好呀,little Peter也有了自己的Hope 。
The world was all before them, where to choose their place of rest and Providence their guide. They hand in hand with wandering steps and slow through Eden took their solitary way.
You’ll miss him.
He kept me on my toes. I’m glad. Any man finds a measure of happiness, it’s got to be a good thing. The start he had, if anyone deserved it.
—-—-—-—-—-—- —-—-—- —-—-—-—-—
Our friends are in peril of their lives. They would not fail us. No more should we fail them.
人类真是复杂的生物。他会在权贵面前邀宠,也会在督察Thursday 失控的时候帮助他;他会冒领Morse的功劳,也会毅然走入险境保护下属。
Thursday: It’s funny, there’s never enough time to say the things you mean to, that you should. The important things. The things that matter. I’m proud of you, you know that?
—-—-—-—-—-—- —-—-—- —-—-—-—-—
Thursday: Sam, don’t volunteer for anything.
说完这句后Thursday 慈爱的看着儿子坐车远去,巴士驶离,现出了街对面等待的年轻人。年轻人低着头,僵硬成了一块铁,不看他,有种打扰到别人隐私的尴尬与手足无措。
Thursday: Thought I said I’d make my own way in today.
Morse 飞快的看他,像是要确认他是不是在为被窥破自己感性时刻而恼怒,又像是想要知道这位老上司是否还在为儿子远行而伤感,他回答。
Morse: I forgot.

摩斯探长前传 第三季Endeavour(2016)

又名:锲而不舍 第三季

主演:肖恩·埃文斯 罗杰·阿拉姆 安东·莱瑟 杰克·拉斯基 西恩· 

导演:桑德拉·戈尔德拜彻 布林·希金斯 劳伦斯·高福 奥利弗·布莱克本 编剧:罗素·刘易斯 Russell Lewis/柯林·德克斯特 Colin Dexter