
雪山镇 第一季:雪山旧梦录

2017年,在首集播出15周年之际,剧组的主创们重聚,其中一位说“悲剧使人真实,这是《雪山镇》的基调。经历悲剧让我们更丰富、更深刻、更具意义。”(The cornerstone of it was that tragedy makes us real. When we suffer tragedy, we become richer, deeper, more meaningful people.)
前两季开头结尾的旁白质量很高,叙事、咏物、说理兼具,好得像从书里摘出来的,我抄录、翻译如下,欢迎指正。这部剧可能永远不会被loved widely,但它会被loved deeply,我相信后者比前者更为重要。
第一集 搬入雪山镇
And there they sat, father and son, like they were sitting together for the first time.
No, I wasn't there the day Dr.Brown's life changed forever, but i was around for mang days thereafter when he and his famliy would call Everwood their home.
第二集 秋季解冻
the first fall thaw(解冻) that Andy Brown and his children ever knew passed through Everwood later that night, taking with it our last bit of warm autumn air,but not our warmth of spirit that was in the people of Everwood and in our hearts, some broken,some mending and some, for the moment,complete.
第三集 Nina代孕
Folks move to the country for lots of reasons:clean air, better schools, stores where you don't have to fake a heart attack to get a salesperson's attention, and diners(车型餐馆) like this one.
第四集 接吻桥
片头:It may not seem so at first glance, but a lot changes in small towns……which bings to me this bridge. Legend has it the bridge was built by a young man and woman who lived opposite sides of the river. They two fell in love and constructed this bridge so they could meet in the middle and share what would be their first kiss. From that day on it was known, appropriately enough, as the Kissing Bridge. The point is, Everwood has gone through a whole lot of changes, both inside and out. But the Kissing Bridge has stood the test of time. Evidence, I guess, that some things are built to last and some things aren't.
片尾:That evening was the last time anyone saw the Kissing Bridge in its full glory. And even though Everwood's symbol of innocence is no longer with us, people still tell its story to their children and their grandchildren. Only now when they do, the ending is a lot more exciting.
第五集 雪山镇松球报
片头:The Everwood Pinecone, independent daily press since May 21st, 1985, the day Mr.S.F.Davenport bought what was then(adj. 当时的,那时的) a antique printing press, hell-bent(固执的,拼命的) on spreading whatever news there was each and every day. Everyone thought he was crazy, but 5999 issues later, he hasn't missed a single delivery. The Everwood Pinecone,Everwood's own bastion(堡垒) of journalistic integrity and chowder(杂烩) recipes.
片尾:like the man with the printing press said, at some point, we all have something we just have to do. The gear(齿轮) spins, sometimes the spin gets you what you want, sometimes it pushes it even further away. Either way,you have to respect the machine.
第六集 试金石
片头:Everyone has a touchstone, a last line of defense against the mayhem(骚乱,慌乱)and sorrow of this world. For some people in Everwood, that person is Dr.Gretchen Trott.
片尾:The thing about your touchstone, you come to depend on it no matter whether you set out to or not. But not even your own personal Rock of Gibraltar(直布罗陀巨岩) is permanent. Rock has her own needs to think of. And just because you want someone to stick around doesn't mean she will. Dr.Brown knew something about that.
第七集 巴克岩
片头:Every small town worth its salt(称职的;名副其实的) has a place like this, a place where the landscape invites us to blend in( 使和谐或协调) for a while, ours is called Buck's Rock. It's been graced with its own heavenly light that for most people, eliminates any doubt of a higher power. The purpose of Buck's Rock is quite familiar, it's a place where the lazy days of childhood play themselves out, a place free of the responsibilities of adult life, a place of innocence.
片尾:When things are working right in the universe, a loss of innocence is usually followed, in time, by an increase of humanity. Time is funny like that. For everything it robs us of, it grants us something. Sometimes it's a new friend, sometimes it's a better understanding of ourselves, Sometimes it's just a perfect day.
Bright:We should be back soon,it's getting late. 该回家了,天快黑了。
Amy:He is right, Colin. My dad's gonna lose it if we are late for dinner again. 嗯,该回了,晚饭如果再迟到,我爸要发飙了。
Colin:Hang on a second guys, let's just lie down here a little longer. 不急,咱们在这儿再躺会儿。
Amy:We don't have all day. 总不能在这儿玩一整天吧。
Colin:Sure we do. 当然行了。
第八集 教堂
People go to church for a lot of different reasons. Some for community, some for appearances. For others, and it may be a very few, it's a matter of true faith. The simple fact is, life is hard for most people. By the end of a long week, the soul can be devoid(缺乏,没有) of spirit as Everwood's Taggard Mine is empty of ore(矿) .Only, if you are lucky, when you come here, you leave with something more than you come in with.
Dr.Brown在教堂祷告:All my dreams die with Julia. 所有的梦都随着茱莉亚去了。
See, the thing is, my heart's still pumping, I'm still breathing, I still move in this world. 心还在跳,我还在呼吸,我还在这世上活着。
But I've lost my joy. 但我已经失去了所有的喜悦。
第九集 身为人父
One of the hardest things about being a father is you never know what's yours anymore. There is always someone out there trying to take what belongs to you or at least make you share:your car, your home, food off your plate, even your own kids sometimes. It's a constant battle, fought less with violence than with love, fought with the best of intentions and scented with cinnamon.
第十集 雪
1.The best thing about snow, other then snowballs, is that it has an equalizing effect.
Snow can take any object or situation and make just the same, couldn't care less what's underneath.
2.It's not just that snow makes the world pretty, snow gives us all a second chance.
Snow cleanses hiding the sins of all without prejudice of favor or blame.
Everything gets to be pure again, if only for a little while,which might be all you need.
第十一集 感恩节故事
片头:Once upon a time, in a faraway kingdom, there lived a man who was hardly a man. He had forgotten the way voices sound, so long had he been exiled(流亡的,放逐的) , exiled to a cold, dark hovel(不适宜居住的小屋) at the center of the forest. It's been so many years now, the legend is kept only by the faithful. As for this man, you could say he is still living. But you could also say that he has been erased from humankind.
片尾:Once upon a time, in a faraway kingdom, there lived, not one, but two kings. One who knew not what he had. The other, doomed to remember what he had lost. And there was a fearless giantess and a wood sprite who liked to play in her shadows, moonglow illuminating(照亮; 说明) her eyes. There was even a wizard who knew how best to tame wild things. And a handsome prince and a beautiful princess who could not know how their fates were destined to cross. And the lovable oaf(怎么翻译?) with his spun-glass flute. And there were others too in this distant place, not unlike the place you knew as a child where tales were told and legends were written. It's possible the true name of this kingdom will never again be spoken and has nearly been forgotten by time and memory. For all the charmed creatures within its realm have only ever called it home.
第十二集 花店
片头:When you think about the rich bounty(馈赠) of flora and fauna(动植物) that populate(居住于) this once-barren(贫瘠) rock of ours, it's hard to believe it didn't have some guiding hand. Even setting aside(除开) all the creatures that crawl and swim and fly around us, one has to marvel at the sheer variety and utility(功效,功用) of plants. They satisfy our hunger, provide us with shelter and lift our spirits. Hard to imagine life without God's most alluring(迷人的) foot soldiers. Luckily, Everwood never had to go without, thanks to Irma's Flower Mart.
片尾:Even in small towns like ours, things change, and not always for the better. People die, people forget, frivolous(无价值的) persuits become good cause for alarm. Fortunately, some things do stay the same, like the scent of jasmine that still lingers outside Irma's Flower Mart or the vermilion(朱红色,鲜红色) tones of the jewel rochids she once sold me or the thrill of beating the high score on an old pinball machine.
第十三集 神圣时刻
片头:Every storyteller knows that at the heart of any great tale is the hero who inspired(有创造力的;品质优秀的;有雄心壮志的) it. Legends whose names are known,whose lives we remember, whose stories we pass on. Alexander the Great, Ernest Hemingway, Marilyn Monroe. The older the tale, the more romantic embellishments we tale-spinners add. It helps create the illusion of an individual who is larger than life(非同凡响). Dr.Brown was a legend in his own right(当之无愧,名副其实) by the time he came to Everwood, but he wasn't the only one.
片尾:Evelyn Rauser had an expression for the few seconds before the curtain went up. She called it "the holy time." But you don't have to be an actor to know what the the holy time feels like. It's that breath you take just seconds before you become the person you're meant to become. For some people, it feels like forever. And for some, it's a moment over far too fast.
第十四集 篮球
片头:For the town of Everwood, basketball is like kindling(引火柴). What happens on the court may be small insignificant to most. But it fuels a much larger fire. The Peak Country Miners take their games seriously. They've been district champions twice and for one glorious season 25 years ago, they ruled the state.
片尾:There are no certainties where dreams are concerened, some are achieved, but just as many sputter and die. When they do, it's tempting to wonder why you ever dreamed at all.
第十五集 约伯
片头:Of all the famous stories of faith overcoming adversity you've never seen turn into movies, you'll never see one made about Job(约伯) . Who would want to watch someone you've come to care about suffer that much? Anyone who cares about their 8 bucks' worth would throw popcorn at the screen right after the boils set in telling that guy to give up already. Enough is enough, after all, how far do you have to go to prove your faith?
片尾:You wonder, reading Job, what went through his mind while everything he loved turned to dust. I'd like to think it was memories of things once commonplace:wheat fields and rain and slippers, a broom in the corner, his flock in the yard, his children at the table giving thanks for it all.
第十六集 情人节
Dear Valentine,
come away with me.
If I had a day with you and you only,
I would enjoy the simple things.
The things that, in the end,
when time steals the rest away,
are the only things we'll remember.
I would paddle you across a still lake in a rowboat and read poetry to you until you fall asleep and I would never think about the hours.

Dear Valentine,
if I had one day with you and you only,
I would admire every line of your face,
every strand of your hair,
Every graceful movement of your hands or your eyes or your body. If I had one perfect day.
Don't you see?
My heart beats only for you.
所有的美都会令我惊艳 ——只要我们拥有这样一天

Dear Valentine,
these are the things I remember of my love.
A warm hand, a warm breath.
Your warm mouth.
Your arms around mine.
I remember feeling safe, cease-less. Like one person.
The two of us still, at rest, entwined.
I remember how I felt the first time I kissed you.
It felt like the high dive.
What do you remember?
How will I ever know what was inside your heart?
Where did they go?
All the things we think and feel but don't say.

Dear Valentine,
These are the things I never told you.
These are the things I need you to know.
That I loved you always.
And my love was so big,
it lives still after you're gone.
I'd like to tell you that I would do it differently.
That if I had one more day I would do everything right.
But I know that isn't true.
I'd make all the same mistakes.
That is except one.
I wouldn't say goodbye.

第十七集 老人之家
I've heard it said that a retirement home is where people go when life is through with them before they are through with life. That expression was true enough in Everwood. The Ransell family bought the old Hicks mansion(地产,大厦,宅邸) in 1942. Thereafter, converting it into Everwood's sole retirement home. People don't tend to visit the Everwood retirement home that much anymore. Not that they ever did. Don't know if it's the spirits of the past or a premonition(预告,征兆,告诫) of their own future, but something keeps them away. Then sometimes, just sometimes, a little light shines in this dark, empty place.
有人说,敬老院是人们度过一生之后、离开人世之前去的地方。这种说法在雪山镇很准确。 兰瑟尔家族于1942年买下老希克斯的宅邸,然后把它改造成了雪山镇唯一一家敬老院。人们去敬老院不像以前那么频繁了,其实以前也不频繁。不知道是过去的精气神,还是敬老院预示了人们自己的晚年景象,总之有些东西让人们远离着敬老院。偶尔,只是偶尔,一点光亮才会出现在这个幽暗空洞的地方。
第十八集 钢琴教师

第十九集 真与假
片头:Forget for a minute what the real worlds look like, forget what you know you know. Sometimes you need to believe in what isn't exactly there. A daydream of better nights. A storybook fantasy where life is ordered and consistent. And tales get awfully exciting before they wrap up nicely, for all involved. (怎么翻译?)
片尾:Right or wrong, it's always easier to believe in what isn't there. Rockwell himself put it pretty well, he said,"the view of life I communicate in my pictures excludes the sordid and the ugly." He said:"I paint life as I would like it to be."
第二十集 星空
片头:Throughout the centuries, mankind has been fascinated by the nighttime sky. Ancient people believed that the heavens were ruled by a pantheon of Gods, while others thought that the stars were diamonds, dangling just out of reach. With all the advances in technology of late, modern science offers more opportunities than ever before to help unravel(拆开,解开) the mysteries of the night sky.
片尾:Despite our fascination with the beauty of stars, most people are uneducated when it comes to the basic facts about the heavens. Some mysteries aren't meant to be fully understood. Some questions are best never answered.
第二十一集 少女堕胎
分享柴静的调查节目:《长大未成人》 http://news.sohu.com/20060215/n241835727.shtml
  张峥嵘(上海解放军411医院妇产科 主任医师):因为她的生殖器官还没有发育成熟,她处女膜破裂,出血量肯定比一些已经发育成熟的女性量多,有时候早上出血,到晚上实在止不住了,她阴道黏膜发育还比较幼稚,宫颈上皮也没有完全发育成熟,所以也是比较容易怀孕的一个群体。
  张峥嵘(上海解放军411医院妇产科 主任医师):她有可能会子宫穿孔,手术当中的一些子宫收缩乏力,造成出血量比较多,另外术后可能会引起一些感染,远期的并发症可能会造成子宫内膜移位症,盆腔的炎症、不孕症。
第二十二集 抉择
片头:They say that patience is a virtual, that good things come to those who wait. Of course, they also say,"he who hesitates is lost." Unfortunately, sometimes what looks like patience on the outside is really fear underneath, like so much sheep's clothing wrapped around a very clever wolf.
片尾:It's easy to creat a child, it's the rest we have so much trouble with. Our kids drive us crazy, they keep us sane. We can't wait for them to grow up, we wish they never would.
第二十三集 季终集:Colin
I wasn't there the day Colin Hart's life changed forever, but you could feel the earth shake a little from quite a ways off. It was a summer day, bright and perfect, glowing with the thrill of youth and a night lit with fireworks, then cut with a deafening whir of sirens. At the end of it, the young boy and all who loved him would never be the same.
In an opposite corner of the world, another man's tragedy kept time with Colin Hart's. Andy Brown did what any man would do who felt he had lost everything, he disappeared, he fell apart, lost his center, lost his way.
To a brave girl, this broken man looked like a life raft, and his son, a gentle current(一股缓流), pulling him close. The girl took her chance when she saw it, she begged the doctor's son to help her in her cause. And he did, because he loved her and could refuse her nothing.
And so it came to pass that one man's tragedy and one boy's loss met, like two rivers joining, and the boy was saved. And the man was saved, at least for a time. But the boy was not as he was before. Although Colin had cheated death, a little death had crept inside. He was not whole. He was not himself. His own changed face frightened him, he pushed those he cared for far away.
The good doctor believed that this boy could still be saved and that he was the one who could save him. But the boy hadn't decided if life was worth dying for. The choice was all his own.
This is the story of Colin Hart and Andy Brown.
This is the story of a town that lost its center and strove to regain it.
This is the story of Everwood.
第一集 忽然之间
片头:It's hard to say what happened exactly. For the most part, it depends on who you ask. There are as many sides to a story as there are pairs of eyes. It's always been that way. One of those sides must be closer to the truth, but we'll never know which one.I try even now to look back at the time, look past the blame and the outrage that made it all hard to see anything. I try to piece it together. What follows is all I konw.
片尾:Sometimes it’s only with the ending of season that a storyteller can find the most appropriate ending to his tale. As the last hours of summer crept up on the town of Everwood, it seemed everyone was just about ready for a change, a fresh start, filled with new adventures and new friends, and some old ones, and those somewhere in between. For if death reminds us of anything, it reminds us of just how resilient the human spirit is when it wants to be.
第二集 天才与凡人
片头:Ask any Mom or Dad and they'll tell you with drop dead certainity that their child is extraordinary, a genius of some kind, gifted by the Gods and deserving a great privilege. One in a million might even be right, just try to tell the other couple hundred thousand they are not.
片尾:You know you're in the presence of extraordinary when there's just no guessing, and the only thought you can carry is a determination to do even better yourself.
第三集 Linda归乡
The whistle of a train is a mournful sound, as if the locomotive itself could grow tired of saying goodbye. It is the sound of wars and death, distances of time and space, of families ripped apart, love torn asunder(化为碎片), futures repealed(废除).
第四集 不可能的改善
The more things change, the more they stay the same.
I'm not sure who the first person was, who said that. Probably Shakespeare, or maybe Sting……
But at the moment, it's the sentence that best explains my tragic flaw:my inability to change.
I don't think I'm alone in this.
The more I get to know other people, the more I realize it's kind of everyone's flaw.
Staying exactly the same for as long as possible, standing perfectly still, it feels better somehow.
And if you are suffering, at least the pain is familiar.
Because if you took that leap of faith, went outside the box, did something unexpected, who knows what other pain might be waiting out there. Chances are, it could be even worse.
So you maintain the status quo, choose the road already traveled and it doesn't seem that bad, not as far as flaws go. You are not a drug addict. You are not killing anyone, except maybe yourself, a little.
When we finally do change, I don't think it happens like an earthquake or an explosion, where all of a sudden, we are like this different person.I think it's smaller than that.
The kind of thing most people wouldn't even notice unless they looked really really close, which, thank God, they never do.
But you notice it. Inside you, that change feels like a world of difference. You hope that it is, that this is the person you get to be forever, that you'll never have to change again.
第五集 爸爸的小棉袄
片头:They say that from the instant he lay eyes on her, a father adores his daughter. Whoever she grows up to be, she is always to him that little girl in pigtails(麻花辫). She makes him feel like Christmas, in exchange, he makes a secret promise not to see the awkwardness of her teenage years, of the mistakes she makes or the secrets she keeps. In exchange for her unconditional love, her willingness to ignore whatever faults he may bear as a man. Every father is willfully blind to the change in his daughter as she drifts further away from her childhood self, until she's too far out to pull back.
片尾:Some fathers may enjoy the pedestal their daughters place them on(崇拜),but the best ones step down and allow their flaws to be seen. It is from these unsung fathers that daughters learn what's most important in this life: how to embrace joy, how to endure sorrow and how to live each day to the fullest. Not knowing which of those two is on the horizon.(即将出现)
第六集 盲点
片头:It's been said that seeing is believing. But the fact is, we all have our blind spots. Sometimes we recognize them ourselves, sometimes others recognize them for us. Distance has a way of distorting the things we say, but what appears as an obstacle may in fact be an opportunity. The trick is having enough faith to carry through.
片尾:Michelangelo said the best way to judge the essential elements of a sculpture is to throw it down a hill, and the unimportant pieces will break away. Sometimes life is like that. It tosses us down a hill, but when we reach the bottom, and only the important things are left, that's when our vision clears, that's when we hold on tight to what we know while hopes stirs(搅拌) inside us. It's all a matter of perspective.
第七集 矿难
片头:The town of Everwood was bulit around a silver mine opened in 1857. In 1929, like much of America, the mine closed and a lot of families learned what it meant to go without. It wasn't untill another 10 years later that someone started snooping around another part of the mountain, and found a kingdom's worth of coal waiting to be unraveled. The mines reopened and that many people didn't have to go hurry anymore.
片尾:When it's going right, life changes minute to minute. On a random Tuesday in 1939, coal unexpectedly became important to the entire town of Everwood. On another day some 75 years later, it was a lighthouse suddenly on everyone's mind.
第八集 沉重的真相
There are moments in life so archetypally perfectly, that there's only one right thing to say. But as humans, each with our own idiosyncrasies( 习性,癖好), we may not always respond the way the universe or, say, our parents want or expect us to. It is at moments such as these that we realize that the truth has a distinct cost that can't be bargained down. And in thses moments, we must choose whether to pay the price.
第九集 最爱的电影
Ask most people about their favorite movie and they can usually recite the last line. But hardly anyone ever remembers a movie's first line, how it all starts, where the fun truely begins.
第十集 郁闷假期
Holidays are a time we enact age-old rituals, solemn(庄重的,严肃的) rites passed down from one generation to the next. A time for family and friends and good cheer. They're also a time for giving and receiving, a time for surprises. Some surprises are hidden in boxes, wrapped up in colorful paper and ribbons. Still others we carry inside, concealed in our own hearts, while we wait for just the right moment to reveal them. Unfortunately, not all surprises are good ones.
第十一集 家庭危机
When the pressure's on, it's often the times of crisis that bring a family together. Pressure also has a way of exposing our fault lines, bringing to the surface things that might better have stayed buried deep below. Once they're out, though, they're awful hard to put back.
第十二集 失控
片头:There's a particular brand of pit that grows in your stomach, when you know you're losing control and there's nothing you can do about it. Heavy as granite(花岗岩) and moldering.
片尾:It's amazing how far we'll go just to maintain some measure of control. The world spins a cricle within a circle and we grip so tight it makes our knuckles white. When all we really wanna do is let go, lost control, fall, see where we land.
第十三集 坠入情网
There's nothing in the world like being young and in love. It gives you the power to do things you would never have the courage to do otherwise. It inspires you to make yourself vulnerable, put your heart on the line, to speak heartfelt sentiments you thought only existed in old books and flowery(辞藻华丽的) poetry. And it can make you forget everything except love itself. That one thing that makes life worth living, the object(客体,对象) of your affection.
第十四集 第一次
For many years now, the silver of dust-covered rock has served as a haven for the hope-filled, hormone-driven youth of our town. You won't find it on any map, but everyone knows exactly where it is. We call it The Point. On this uncharted piece of rock, many of Everwood's young people first discovered their capacity for passion and sometimes for love. For them, the view from The Point will be forever etched in their hearts and minds, a reminder of one special moment when everything changed.
第十五集 蓝色大门
片头:The speed and direction of our path through life are pretty good measures of our age. We race headlong through childhood, never looking back, wanting it to end as quick as possible. As we get older, we occasionally slow down long enough to look around and savor certain moments. It's a sure sign of growing up. It's only in our twilight years, when our pace has slowed and the long race is nearing the end that we spend most of our time looking backwards and we wonder why we were ever in such a hurry.
片尾:Sometimes it's easier to pretend things are okay rather than face a difficult truth. So we go through the motions, the rituals of everyday life. We hope the comfortable rhythms of familiarity will hold off the inevitable just a little longer. Return things to normal. Anything to buy us more time. Playing pretend, make-believe, it might be the one thing we never outgrow.
第十六集 艰难的告别
第十七集 未竟之事
Sometimes we don't know our own strength. It can be hard to tell just how much weight you can safely bear or how much will crush you. I'd like to think you can shoulder as big as you believe you can. That it's all a matter of will. Certainly a comforting thought.
第十八集 透明的心
片头:It's the winds of change. Sometimes they are a gentle breeze, a welcome relief, sometimes a brief gust(狂风), quickly forgotten. But other times, they are blow in like a foul(纠缠) at devastating gale(暴风), blazing(照耀) a path of destruction that leaves us holding on for dear life.
片尾:A heart is a fragile thing, that's why we protect them so vigorously, give them away so rarely and why it means so much when we do. Some hearts are more fragile than others, purer somehow. Like crystal in a world of glass, even the way they shatter is beautiful.
第十九集 泄露的病情
第二十集 舞会
There're things that go without saying and there're things better left unsaid.
There're things that should never be uttered out loud and there're things you've got to hear to believe.
But the ones that stay with us are the things we long to say but don't.
第二十一集 毕业典礼
片头:There're certain milestones in our lives that gives us the opportunity to reflect on where we've been and to look ahead to where we're going. If you're lucky, the looking ahead is as much fun as the looking back. But not everyone is lucky.
Sometimes in these moments of great promise and potential, we often wish we could simply stop time, to relish in those final moments of glory and to put off the future for just one more day.
片尾:We're taught to remember only the significant moments, the rites of passage. In truth, the smaller steps that gets us to these momentous occasions are just significant. Looking back, we see it's not just the high points but the low points, that also define who we are. And who we will become.
第二十二集 昨日已逝
Dreams are our world turned upside down. Gravity, logic, time rendered meaningless. The world of dreams is not our world, although in the dead of night it tempts and deceives, daring us to know the difference. This is what makes dreams so dangerous.
Just remember they are all just dreams.

雪山镇 第一季Everwood(2002)

又名:不老木 第一季

主演:Treat Williams Gregory Smith E 

导演:Martha Mitchell