整部电影充满了死亡美感 包括henry崇拜着迷的Tristan Reveur
lisa反复重复的"There's too much beauty to quit"
还有这句"An elegant suicide is the ultimate work of art"
导演力图把艺术 死亡 人性 完美结合起来 虽然个人觉得在情节方面稍稍欠缺了些
不过整部电影描述也仅仅是个梦境 对编剧天马行空可以理解
让人汗颜的是 看了两遍 通过豆瓣上的高手才发现很多有趣的细节
然后看imdb上面Marc Forster解释说是:
It is because Henry's view of Sam is when he is crouching down,
and his trousers pull up when he does this