
【第一集 EP1】

我太激动了!Fox终于把我很多个梦境之一变为了银幕上的现实 — 23岁的女孩进入了美国职业棒球大联盟 Major League Baseball (MLB),成为了首个也是唯一的女性投球手pitcher。

主演Kylie Bunbury加拿大出生,童年在英国和葡萄牙度过,美国长大。拥有瑞典、波兰、圭亚那血统。做过模特,经纪公司建议改行演戏。她爸据说是职业足球运动员,看上去很年轻,貌似22岁就有了她。不愧是模特出身,身姿很挺拔!她上了Ellen的脱口秀,说自己从未玩过棒球,但一直挺热爱运动的。试镜貌似也非常的顺利。


Have no fear, be strong.


【第二集 EP2】


Captain:" You are early."
Ginny:"Got biology working against me, what's your excuse?"

Captain shouted out to his teammates:"Yeah, pretty girl who BTW works a hell lot of harder than all of you lazy losers."

Ginny talked on an alive talk show:"We don't need to make sure that every girl goes into the right room. We need to make sure every boy knows it's wrong to r-a-p-e."

【第六集 EP6】


1. 为什么总是要把亚裔角色设计成又呆、又不自信、又让人无语、又不讨人气女生喜欢的可怜角色?在此剧中Tim Jo出场极少,而且大多都是跟屁虫、站角落的几个镜头。说出的台词都是极为不识脸色的冷场呵呵。会议里圆桌面上他连坐下的位子都没有。也许是我太敏感了。也许是导演故意展露现实的北美体育娱乐界中亚裔低下的地位?

2. Ginny参加以她为中心的产品发布会,这什么低俗发型啊?衣服和她一点都不搭!形象设计师呢?

3. Amelia参加Nike的盛大宴会这什么礼服啊?就是一条睡裙而已啊!难道那天服饰组罢工?难道就没广告商赞助她?


When you get flooded with fame, what do you do with it?

What happens when you feel you don't deserve and want any of it, the title, the money, the privileges, etc.?

What do you do when you have a panic attack that you can't help it, and you simply want to throw away all that's been earned so far and endeavours that you put your whole heart into?

Can you still perform normally or exceptionally good under huge pressure?

What happens when you realize nobody stands by your side for whom you truly are?

Can you still make it when you are out there, fighting alone?

What happens when someone takes advantage of your vulnerability and reveal your darkest secret and deepest fear?



主演:凯莉·班伯里 马克-保罗·戈塞拉 瑞恩·多尔西 艾丽·拉特  

导演:帕里斯·巴克利 编剧:丹·福格尔曼 Dan Fogelman/里克·辛格 Rick Singer