Lonely birthday movie night with Aretha Franklin. Overall providing nice insights into music production and African Americans’ religious practice in 70s America. Not so into the album just because Gospel may not interest anyone who is atheistic. But I was still so excited to see Aretha sang along to the root of her pop music. She was at her hay day with her best voice and Mick Jagger was still a 小鲜肉. What a time...(其实本来以为是Jennifer Hudson主演的电影,wiki了一下发现还没上。原来是Amazing Grace录音的纪录片,想着生日夜看个concert film应该也很开心。看着看着就想起我坐在入境事务处,一不小心刷到馒头奶奶去世消息的那一刻。还是伤心的哭了出来😢)

奇异恩典Amazing Grace(2018)

又名:Aretha Franklin: 騷靈恩典(港)


主演:艾瑞莎·弗兰克林 米克·贾格尔 西德尼·波拉克 查理·沃茨 

