

1.Auntie:Don't be Bobby loser.Be BObby somebody.

2.Can I be honest?You can't work without him.He's your way in.

3.Bob:It's the little things that get you whacked.千里之堤,溃于蚁穴.You understand that?That's why I planned.

4.Mazor:Look,I know I invent a fiance,but i work better alone.
Bonni:You think I have women lining up around the block waiting to marry you?
Mazro:How many undercovers has she done?
Bonni:She's a virgin.She's just window dressing.So is this.Compliments of your government's impound authority.

5.Musella:And I'm afraid if it's not,I might have to keep the money flow to a minimum.

6.Auntie:Watch this,Bobby,and learn.

7.Boss:You aunt reminds me of my Tia Inez,a wild horse.A breath of fresh air in a cruel world.这残酷世界上的一道风景.

潜伏者The Infiltrator(2016)

又名:潜入者 / 慕色拉行动(台)


主演:布莱恩·科兰斯顿 黛安·克鲁格 本杰明·布拉特 埃伦娜·安纳 

导演:布拉德·福尔曼 编剧:罗伯特·马泽 Robert Mazur/艾伦·布朗·弗曼 Ellen Brown Furman
