鉴于这短片实在无东西可挖…… 打段台词摘录笔记上来供大家学习把= =

It was only the cow jumping over the moon. 可你根本就是在撒谎

So why is the dish running away with the spoon?

It’s like talking to the brick house 对牛弹琴

snoopy-spy 偷窥

Can you picture how drop-dead gorgeous this city is in the rain?


buttercup 小甜心

疑神疑鬼的小猪The Pig Who Cried Werewolf(2011)


主演:Sean Bishop 阿伦·沃纳 Aron Warner 

导演:加里·特洛斯达勒 编剧:Ken Bielenberg/Sean Bishop